Ive had to make drivers for a couple TP-Link adapters in the past, although they worked OK to connect to wireless networks. There are quite a few that aren't able to actually inject packets out of the box, probably the little cheap crappy ones, so sometimes Ive had to install different firmware and kernels to actually get packet injection working.
Ive also found in a couple of instances that when Ive installed a fresh build of Kali and used integrated wireless on laptops, for some strange reason the kernel its decided to use wants to start up with wireless in airplane mode, would work with the "ifconfig up", "mode managed" but still strange why it decided to do that every boot, because I changed kernel's and it stopped doing it.
A lot of the newer TP-link adapters do tend to work straight out the box though. Its just annoying when you feel like doing some sniffing and then it turns out that your adapter comes in multiple Revisions and luck just has it your revision requires patching... its all good fun though hey