Okay so Ima take a quick educated guess. And you seen a hotspot with the name XFINITYWIFI, Comcast gives you a complimentary 1 hour access. But here is the trick...
If you change your MAC address you can get UNLIMITED 1 hour complimentary sessions.
1. Connect to "XFINITYWIFI" your gonna be prompted with a window to sign up. You should see that 1-hour complimentary session. Click on that and just put a random email and random zip code you can try: 90000
2. Once your complimentary session IS DONE. open up terminal and type in to get a generated MAC address.
-[ openssl rand -hex 6 | sed 's/\(..\)/\1:/g; s/.$//' ]
3.Now Assign it:
sudo ifconfig en0 ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
Replace “xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx” with the desired MAC address
4. Hit return and enter the administrators password to set the new address. To confirm it has been changed, type the following:
ifconfig en0 |grep ether
5. Go on to system preferences > network > click advanced > and delete xfinity wifi from the known network list.
6. Click on XFINITYWIFI again, and repeat step one.
If your not being prompted open your browser, and go to xfinitywifi.com