As you can read in my upper post I know that there are a lot of programs for this,but i want to MAKE IT ON MY OWN
Seams kinda pointless, if there is an existing solution to a problem. Use it. But ohwell. You would need to look into virtual drives then, and python would probably not be your best choice of language. I am thinking C or C++. You probably need to do some kernel hooking maybe. Dunno really, haven't done something like this before.
Nonetheless. What you need to do is make your program and Explorer communicate whenever Explorer accesses the desired drive path, then do whatever Explorer want (open, edit, delete, rename, move) and do the appropriate actions within your program and return the expected result back to Explorer.
My money would be on hooking some directory listing kernel function and then manipulate the results when the desired path is used. There might be some API for this too tho.