My wife suffers from lucid dreams. And yes suffers.
Her dreams have so much emotion and feeling, that her heart is affected. Blood pressure goes up, heart rate increases, lashes out verbally, sweating, etc.
I get very concerned and have even been able to talk her down to calmness while she is sleeping. She hears me and knows what I say, but it comes through in here dreams. She'll get up the next day and recite everything I have told her, but still doesn't believe I was talking to her in the waking world. The problem is, that she can't tell the real from dreaming while she is asleep.
Lucid dreams can be some really freaky shit. I've relized I was dreaming before and could control shit, up to a certain point. Then once I believed I was dreaming and couldn't feel pain, and it was all in my head, shit hit the fan.
I was shot with a hand gun in that dream, and I feel I really experienced death. It was like my soul was falling into a void inside a shell, like I could see the walls of my person fading away in the distance. If she didn't wake me up from thrashing around and gasping, I might be dead right now because of a dream. My body temp was 96, and heart rate through the roof.
Really, be careful with this. The mind waking or not still thinks shit is real. Die in the matrix, die in life. More truth there than what science knows.