Well, you'd be surprised. It isn't like it costs a fortune. It could cost half dollar. It can be so cheap, that an average person could pay a thousand of those. VPS' or similar.
The problem is with the oppresive countries that block access to foreign currencies. There are some (which I won't mention) where you can have a VISA/MasterCard, but the local policy is to use that card in the local currency only. Then you can buy in the internet only the stuff of that country. Want a book from Amazon? You can't afford it, even if it just does cost $2 USD. Want a VPS? perhaps it just does cost $5 at PRQ.se, but you can't pay it, because your credit card, bank, whatever, won't let you pay for it. You could be rich in the local currency, but it won't automatically convert into euros or whatever the currency is.
Having said this, you could instead, earn in dollars directly, in a virtual account. The problem comes when you are about to receive money and PayPal asks you to confirm your identity, with your credit card, they will just pull a $1 or $2, and give it back to you. But in essence, you can't confirm your identity if you can't even give away that $1. It gets all narrowed to alternatives, such as Moneybookers (not that is bad, it's just less mainstream).
That's my point when I say, "probably can't afford"