I'm a network engineer, so I configure and troubleshoot switches and routers, create new lan segments, I do voip installs (cisco, not vonage). I maintain ACL's, etc. I have a long list of responsibilities, but I'm part of a really good team.
From my perspective, I see three main functional areas of IT:
-Architecture (network, security, servers, engineering, etc).
-Applications/Services (web, products, customer support, etc).
-Plans/Management (projects, policy-making, finances, stupid shit like that).
Any job you will ever want to look for when it comes to IT will most likely fall under one of those three areas. What you want to do really depends on where you think you would fit in best. If you see yourself as more of the programmer/server admin type you will probably fall under the Architecture category. If you see yourself being a sales guy/customer support, you'll probably fall under the Applications/Services category. If you see yourself being a manager/supervisor you'll be in the Plans/Management area. There are also odd-ball jobs that fall under all three, such as penetration testers/forensics and response. It's really all about what you love to do.