I figure since most of you have the same interests and hobbies that I do, so I figure you're also paranoid, like I am. Which is why I cried tears of joy when I saw this The other day.
http://www.runcore.com/en/RC-SSDnewsdetail-262.html I don't know if most of you are aware, but there's no real reliable way to quickly destroy evidence on a hard drive, shy of throwing it in the shredder or using an expensive degaussing machine. There's urban legends that you can just run a magnet or throw it in the microwave and all the data will be gone, but in reality; if they really want your data, they can still get it. You might have broken the drive, but most if not all of the data will be available after a long and hard search. there's a reason companies that handle important data simply destroy hard drives when they want to upgrade, because there's no real easy way to get rid of it all.
Which is why this is so freaking cool. this is an SSD, with two different external kill switches. One will just simply start writing the data over with ones and zeros, which in theory is going to render it pretty well unreadable, but, there's an even better option if you only have a few seconds to spare. Basically, you press the little red button and the SSD applies 5 V of electricity to each of the NAND cells. there is no getting the data back after that.
It's probably going to be pretty expensive, but it'll be worth that I'm sure.