Here's an example of what ever the title says:
#Example of connecting to IRC.
use IO::Socket::INET ;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use LWP::Simple;
use XML::Simple;
my $server = "";
my $port = "6667";
my $nick ="uNksBot";
my $name = "unk bot 8 *";
my $channel = "#evilzone";
system('title uNkBot');
print "\n\n\n\n Welcome.\n" ;
print "Activating... [Please wait]\n" ;
print " \n\n Version 1.0 \n\n";
print "\n [+] Now connecting to $server [Please wait]...\n";
$connection = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr=>"$server",
Timeout=>'30') or print " [!] Error $server\n";
print " [-] Now connected to $server [uNkBot]\n\n";
print $connection "USER $name\n";
print $connection "NICK $nick\r\n";
while($response = <$connection>)
print $response;
if($response =~ m/:(.*) 00(.*) (.*) :/)
print $connection "JOIN $channel\r\n";
if($response =~ m/:!hey/)
print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :Ohai\r\n";
if( $response =~ m/:(.*)!~(.*) JOIN :/)
my $rc = $1 ;
print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :$rc <Welcome.\r\n";
if( $response =~ m/:(.*)!~(.*) QUIT :/)
my $rc = $1 ;
print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :Bye.\r\n";
if($response =~ m/^PING (.*?)$/gi)
print $connection "PONG ".$1."\r\n";
If you want to add more commands without !hey, just add one more of these lines just edit it like this:
if($response =~ m/:!bitch/)
print $connection "PRIVMSG $channel :No you.\r\n";