This one's not really a hack but since Ifailstuff mentioned money I might as well throw it in. I used to live in a really small farmer community town bullshit type place, I worked at the local small but expensive as hell grocery store. A customer unknowingly dropped the contents of their wallet and left, and another customer saw it and handed me everything that was on the floor. It was $1450 cash, a hardware store receipt where the person spent $1900, a credit slip for the same place stating that there was $3600 left in his account, an $800 paycheck, and a few other personal documents. I had this guys name, phone number, address, everything, I could have returned the money. So I stuffed it into the back of the drawer at work and left it there for 3 days, never told anyone about it. Nobody came back asking for it or anything. So I took the cash and burned everything else, spent it all the next day. That was a really fun day..