SSL stripping will only work if.
1. The client is a dumbass and doesn't notice the s part in https is gone as well as all those lovely "SECURE!" logos and texts.
2. The page you are stripping supports normal HTTP or you proxy the client trough yourself posing as a HTTP server serving the HTTP version of the page.
3. There is no javascript redirection if non-ssl (you could probably just filter this out if you already have a proxy up tho).
It is actually kind of funny. HTTP with SSL is broken and insecure because regular HTTP is still in existance; If there was no other way of serving the desired data, both the communication and certification would have to be legit!
That would be indeed true about SSL. I will definetly take a look into the HTTPS: portion however. I was just going off of what I have read around the interwebs about Ettercap. (Haven't had a chance to put it into practice.) However, if a program like ssl strip could do it I can't see why that wouldn't be a "feature" of ettercap if you start messing with the conf file. I dont think if you go to your local wifi hotspot start sniffing the network you will get plain text but it may or may not give you the encrypted data.
I highly doubt there is a "remove/decrypt SSL" feature in Ettercap (I dont use it and I am to busy to read up on it right now). This is because; SSL works with symmetric encryption for both communication and certificate verification. Only the real certificate owners would be able to sign the certificate with their private key.
However, HTTPS relies on third parties to verify their certificates. So you could possibly pose as the certificate verifier and just render everything OK.
I am by no means an expert on the field so I cant say for sure, but its my two cents for now.