So one day I'm just chilling on my PC, when all of a sudden I get an error that says "Cannot find C:/Users/Rex/Appdata/Roaming/25/start.exe. I was wondering what this meant so I navigated there and couldn't find a 25 folder. I found out what was trying to find this directory, evidently I downloaded a Trojan. The Trojan ran a batch file that ran start.exe in the Appdata/Roaming/25 folder. I look again in the Roaming folder. I see a folder named 23. They had mistyped 25 instead of 23! Lol! Evidently it a bitcoin miner that was controlled. Anyways, I just thought it was kinda funny. Ill zip all the files and upload them when I get back from vacation.
Im back from vacation. Here are the files all zipped: