A zombie walk (also known as a zombie mob, zombie march, zombie horde, zombie lurch, zombie shamble, zombie shuffle, zombie monsta-mash, zombie irrigation, zombie hurricane or zombie crawl) is an organized public gathering of people who dress up in zombie costumes. Usually taking place in an urban center, the participants make their way around the city streets and through shopping malls to a public space (or a series of taverns in the case of a zombie pub crawl) in a somewhat orderly fashion.
With that being said. Here are some pictures of me and my friends at that event.
I am the zombie, and my friend Kevin is the survivor.
My friend and his daughter (hint: they are from borderlands.)
The guy in orange is the hare-krshna zombie from the original dawn of the dead. The guy in orange with the tambourine.
Anon is everywhere
Fucking clowns.