I have no idea what your asking. You mean packets in your capture that are like syn from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx?
I think what your asking about is sending syn, syn/ack packets to a server to check for a response right? If so then use nmap or another port scanning utility like that. If your asking about using code to do it, then ask in our c++ or python forums.
If im way off then please specify a bit more what your trying to do with details and posiibly examples and/or your end goal and ill see what i can do to help you out
Thanks man, if your trying to do the SO foensics challenges yhen this article should help a lot. Glad i could help you out some man
thanks for trying to help, but im good. however. i do have one question i have packets just have a lot of giberish and i was wondering if there was a way i could understand it.
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