Author Topic: Fun at school  (Read 3732 times)

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Offline silenthunder

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Fun at school
« on: August 23, 2012, 02:43:26 pm »
School starts again today..what kind of things should i do to mess with their network for fun? Last year they banned me from the computers for the year and hired a guy to redo their network security because I'm "too smart" (they said), and I guess they didn't like it O.o. But it's my senior year and I wanna really have fun this time, any suggestions?
« Last Edit: August 23, 2012, 02:44:05 pm by silenthunder »

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Offline p_2001

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Re: Fun at school
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2012, 02:52:30 pm »
School starts again today..what kind of things should i do to mess with their network for fun? Last year they banned me from the computers for the year and hired a guy to redo their network security because I'm "too smart" (they said), and I guess they didn't like it O.o. But it's my senior year and I wanna really have fun this time, any suggestions?

You know when someone is called "too smart" it isn't a compliment. I call people that when they get caught.. Means you were stupid enough to get caught. It was not a compliment. Now whenever something happens you will be the first one blamed. And if you were found with the tools... Doesn't matter whether you used it or not.. You are going to suffer.
Steer clear because for now you were just messing... What happens if someone else gets smarter and does something more than that?
You will be blamed.
Change your school... That is my suggestion
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Re: Fun at school
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2012, 02:56:28 pm »

If your going to do this; make SURE AS HELL you don't get caught again. They will more than likely expel you if you do.

So, what you should do is get a hold of an local administrator account; which you can do by using a program like loginrecovery or at the very least get a student account that is not your which you can use to keep heat off of you. Hardware keyloggers are fun for this

Next; I will bet they are using a program like RM Tutor or Netsupport school to monitor the screens of student computers. You need to find out which program it is and then identify the processes which are running the server on your computer. Use a program like DTaskManager which can forcefully kill processes and shoot them down.

Now you can start having fun; just do it in a position where you can see those walking towards you so you can shut off the PC if you see them coming. Fun things to do would be to use the netsend command to send messages across the school; scanning the network for the admin computer and the denial of servicing it, and much more. But really, I would start seeing what kind of information I could get and searching for misconfiguration of the server to try to get in. As well, a hardware keylogger can be made for the cost of a 19 dollar Teensy++ and an sd card and is the best way to catch an administrators password and once you have that... well they have no chance.

Happy hacking

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Re: Fun at school
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2012, 03:35:04 pm »
I'm with p_2001 on this one. You are already the black sheep, and everything that goes wrong will be on your head. I went through the same shit, not just with computers though. Since I got in trouble a lot, I was automatically the prime suspect. It's like watching the black people because we think they are stealing stuff. It is only profiling because that what has been observed by everyone.

Just do your thing and stay clean. If you really want to, set up a sandbox and do it on your network.
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Re: Fun at school
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2012, 06:34:57 pm »
I am with everyone else. Stay out of trouble if you don't wanna get fucked up.
Also it's kinda hard to suggest what to do when we have no idea about the infrastructure and network layout.

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Re: Fun at school
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2012, 06:59:08 pm »
Trust me man, I was the one who was always blamed at school for anything that went wrong. Just keep your nose clean your senior year and get your kicks elsewhere, I know it's tough when your bored and the comp is sitting right there. But it aint worth it when you get caught, and believe me you will. If not by teachers, then by kids ratting you out. Don't take chances ESPECIALLY your senior year, unless you feel like another year of high school is what you feel like doing.
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Re: Fun at school
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2012, 08:59:11 am »
There is no possible "Fun things" for you to do now. Your on the radar. Stuff like that is fun when your on the downlow. The other part that ruins the fun for you is the fact that if stuff does happen you'll be getting blamed for it, even if you didn't do it they'll put pressure on you until they do find out who did it, just seems inconvenient.
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Offline silenthunder

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Re: Fun at school
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2012, 04:46:06 am »
 i know this is an old topic but i felt i should do a follow-up post. it turns out that we have a new computer networking teacher and he's assigned me to help teach the class and build the network for the new school building being built behind the school, so i guess i'll get to have plenty of fun without getting in trouble. i havent even bothered messing with the schools new network yet because we set up our own network of 15 computers in an unused room

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Re: Fun at school
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2012, 09:21:18 am »
Its good to see a teacher taking a kid and using his curiosity for good.  I wish more had been like that in my youth ;).

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Re: Fun at school
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2012, 12:20:10 pm »
I'm in the same boat as you man. Senior year, so much fun! Want to get back at the teachers for all the crap they make you do! Almost a full adult!  But I got caught for some stuff a few years ago. Just skiddie stuff, so no big deal. Long story short, I'm now kind of a pentester for my schools network admin. Find a bug, see how far it goes, report it. Maybe you could pull off something like this.
Yeah, we made it this far. Lets not screw it up now.  :)
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Offline silenthunder

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Re: Fun at school
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2012, 03:43:40 am »
I might be able to pull that off, but I'm not gonna do anything for this school unless I somehow benefit from it, like getting paid. Just today I brought in all of my computer parts and we're gonna be making a supercomputer out of it that I'm going to keep, which will be pretty awesome

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Re: Fun at school
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2012, 07:17:19 am »
my school had a different login that was admin and used for the state testing (SOL for me) and that account was not monitored or anything. nor did they try to keep it protected. so basically i just found out the pass to that and could make my account admin. from there you could get into other peoples files and stuff like that. i basically just would make a .bat file that would open up new cmds constantly to where the person would have to shut off the comp to end it.

it was basically this
@echo off

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Re: Fun at school
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2012, 03:30:22 am »
done the CMD bomb a number of times on my friends, never gets old lol. The admin account at my school isn't monitored either, I added a couple of my friend's accounts to the admins list to see if they would notice and they never did, but then they changed the password on me and I was too lazy to figure it out again lol

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Re: Fun at school
« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2012, 03:46:32 am »
disable bios password and boot backtrack
the possibility's after that are endless
get all the teachers passwords and finish school with all A's

Offline silenthunder

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Re: Fun at school
« Reply #14 on: October 02, 2012, 04:03:36 am »
Actually there aren't ANY bios passwords on the computers at the school, even the new ones. Downloading backtrack right now :3

"Hacking is a lifestyle, a specific mindset, and it really is a lot of work." - Daemon

"Just wanted to state that this is just wicked social engineering at its best." - proxx