I think, IDEs hinder or just hide the natural way to code and compile. They sure make things quite easier with auto completion and stuff but the classic way to code in a text editor and then compiling it with a standalone compiler is just, well.. classic. Unbeatable. I've seen my friends code in IDEs, press a button and tada! a terminal opens up for input. They never get to know how it actually happens. Preprocessing, compiling, linking .. they miss it all.
So, I'll recommend anyone to code in a simple text editor which supports syntax highlighting and auto-indentation. e.g. vim, scite, notepad++
For compilers, there's the industry standard gcc (*nix) and minGw (win).
As for me, I've started learning to code in C and am genuinely loving it. I know a bit of bash and autoIt. But programming in C is a different joy altogether.