So we have this newly approved cybercrime law, which some of us kinda feels happy (at last, the authority would not be as dumb as they were before regarding cybercrimes)
The problem now is this, it wasn't thought carefully and was approved forcefully. Another thing is the "Libel" that was added last minute.
Let me tell you a bit of a story.
Some moths or days ago, one of our senators was "cyber bullied" because of a speech he literally copy and pasted from
Sarah Pope's blog post. The thing is when the media cornered him and asked his side on why he never gave credit, his statement was “Bakit ko naman iku-quote ang blogger? Blogger lang ‘yon.” that means "Why would I quote a blogger? It's just a blogger". This is where the "cyberbullying" occurred. I simply call it becoming an internet meme HAHA.
Article Regarding the Copy Paste
So the next thing is.. The ex-comedian now senator (he was really an ex comedian) have took the "cyberbullying" too much and rushed on passing the cybercrime bill, he then added the Libel on the very last minute that even his secretary didn't know much anything about it.
17 Cybercimes Covered and Explained (with penalty) of our senators who's against this bullshit posted this.