Author Topic: Myspace is back, and with a new look  (Read 22121 times)

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Re: Myspace is back, and with a new look
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2012, 11:30:21 pm »
This is not going to end well. Loved the movie, I like his acting (not music) but he made a mistake. Facebook is too big at this moment to contend with. It's like taking on google.
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Re: Myspace is back, and with a new look
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2012, 11:41:39 pm »
Bv you've got to admit, the UI is the best there is atm(talking about social networking sites)
It's like taking on google.
Lol This is not a healthy comparison

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Re: Myspace is back, and with a new look
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2012, 11:46:02 pm »
F mysoace AND facebook! We should make a social netwoeking site designed by hackers for hackers. A place where we log in under our handles and share our lives more in a FB way than a forum posting way. And tbh, it should use a UI a lot like EZs. Its easy on the eyes, its clean, and any hacker related site should always avoid white. Period.
Keep the ad content to a minimum and make sure its onky tech/comp/hacker related ads. How sick of a site would that be? Huge? No. But sick? Oh yea!
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Re: Myspace is back, and with a new look
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2012, 11:50:21 pm »
If he manages to get a decent user base back onto myspace, I will be surprised.
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Re: Myspace is back, and with a new look
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2012, 11:52:34 pm »
I think the hackerbook is kinda a good idea. But people like us would rather use forums and IRC IMHO. Something like hackerbook would be full of skids REALLY quick, and fags like Anon would ruin it with their gay "hacktivism" propaganda.
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Re: Myspace is back, and with a new look
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2012, 12:04:22 am »
I think the hackerbook is kinda a good idea. But people like us would rather use forums and IRC IMHO. Something like hackerbook would be full of skids REALLY quick, and fags like Anon would ruin it with their gay "hacktivism" propaganda.

So true. But at the same time it would be a nice place to share our lives instead of posting in the random board. Idk bout you lot, but I feel more comfortable sharing what's going on in my life with you all than I do on Fb with my irl friends. They just don't get what 3/4 of what I'm saying or where I'm coming from, sure I still talk to them and like to stay up to date with their lives. But when I start posting about I haf a rough day cause I had to image 50 HDs or because the config for my cisco switch was incorrect, I don't many if any replies lol. Same goes for links and stuff that I share. It would be kinda cool to have a place to do that, while still keeping somewhat anonymous. Like it could display location if you wanted, so you could meet others from the area. But users would still use handles instead of names. Post pics of hardware and screenshots instead of pics if themself doing the duckface. That sorta thing.

Idk. I think it woukd be cool, and could even be an invite only sorta deal to cut down on skiddies, though I think that would ruin it. And rules could state no anon propaganda, you can post hacks you did as anon or w/e. But even if they did post that shit, real hackers would just unfriend them. So they would effectively, over the period if a few months, be talking skiddie/propaganda shizz only to themselves.

Just an idea though, and before you go saying "well make one then" keep in mind I dislike web based programming and stuff. I mean if I can get a team of 5+ people who know what's what and are dedicated... Then yea, I might look into it. Otherwise, ill just sigh wistfully and say "what if"
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Re: Myspace is back, and with a new look
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2012, 12:22:58 am »
... and before you go saying "well make one then"...

Lol, you read my mind. I was going to say that before I got to the last bit. I'm not a webdev either, but you never know. It could take off and make you rich?
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Re: Myspace is back, and with a new look
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2012, 12:29:04 am »
I wouldn't do it for the money. If it makes money, great. If not, well at least I did something cool. I'm seriously debating this now, and well need more than programmers. Well need people like techb for moderating and shizz. Plus legalese docs. Then network admins...damn it sounds fun though! But of course, admins and such would only be if it got big. And if it got to that point I would keep ads down, and ask people to donate time for code and such while only paying those who have to physically be onsite to manage it plus a core coder or two to put it all together. Keeping staff down and keeping the site more of an open source/donation mentality instead of shit tons of ads appeals to me. Damn. I'm getting worked up about it lol. Pm me folks if you have ideas/think you can help. Keep in mind it most likely wont happen, but I'm in the "what if" stage right now. Maybe it will, but don't get your hopes up :P

@OP sorry for going so off topic. Thanks for the link, and timberlake is a horrible actor though I stil like his movies haha. He just sounds like he's reading from a script...
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Re: Myspace is back, and with a new look
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2012, 01:13:10 pm »
Like somewhere I've seen: MySpace goes Windows 8! :P
I think the hackerbook is kinda a good idea. But people like us would rather use forums and IRC IMHO. Something like hackerbook would be full of skids REALLY quick, and fags like Anon would ruin it with their gay "hacktivism" propaganda.
With proper captcha's and no boards at all, just social feed, that doesn't happen a lot.
So true. But at the same time it would be a nice place to share our lives instead of posting in the random board. Idk bout you lot, but I feel more comfortable sharing what's going on in my life with you all than I do on Fb with my irl friends. They just don't get what 3/4 of what I'm saying or where I'm coming from, sure I still talk to them and like to stay up to date with their lives. But when I start posting about I haf a rough day cause I had to image 50 HDs or because the config for my cisco switch was incorrect, I don't many if any replies lol. Same goes for links and stuff that I share. It would be kinda cool to have a place to do that, while still keeping somewhat anonymous. Like it could display location if you wanted, so you could meet others from the area. But users would still use handles instead of names. Post pics of hardware and screenshots instead of pics if themself doing the duckface. That sorta thing.

Idk. I think it woukd be cool, and could even be an invite only sorta deal to cut down on skiddies, though I think that would ruin it. And rules could state no anon propaganda, you can post hacks you did as anon or w/e. But even if they did post that shit, real hackers would just unfriend them. So they would effectively, over the period if a few months, be talking skiddie/propaganda shizz only to themselves.

Just an idea though, and before you go saying "well make one then" keep in mind I dislike web based programming and stuff. I mean if I can get a team of 5+ people who know what's what and are dedicated... Then yea, I might look into it. Otherwise, ill just sigh wistfully and say "what if"
Been there, done that. Had 40 members in my "HackerBook-like" website. No need to code, there are scripts suited for that. In fact, I had fixed some security flaws on the script I used (XSS, etc). It wasn't big hit because I didn't advertise it and the domain name wasn't the best, even though I'm grateful the owner borrowed it to me. Then it appeared "House of Hackers" in a NING network. They had like 1200 members at the time I remember. If you make one I'll be joining, and how I'd like it to see it succeed, but remember that if we are hackers, that's a good way to drudge by excessively socializing. That's perhaps why many didn't join when I attempted it, they were all busy with stuff whilst I was into drudge.

In theory, a social network for hackers, sharing, developing, loving and caring is a good idea. In practice, it is still a good idea, yet it doesn't work out as planned. Or rather, since I'm no social media expert (and I won't ever be, I personally don't like it), I wasn't able to make it work. If you attempt, I will try to help, though.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2012, 01:21:16 pm by EmilKXZ »

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Re: Myspace is back, and with a new look
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2012, 01:34:54 pm »
I personally liked myspce before Facebook but I don't see any reason to return because everyone has already migrated to Facebook and I doubt they will go back so pointless really.

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Re: Myspace is back, and with a new look
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2012, 07:33:05 pm »
I personally liked myspce before Facebook but I don't see any reason to return because everyone has already migrated to Facebook and I doubt they will go back so pointless really.

No it ain't pointless because then everything would be pointless :P I think it's nice MySpace is trying to regain its lost glory and hopefully it can knock the awful Facebook of its podium.

Also, I really like the Hackerbook idea.

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Re: Myspace is back, and with a new look
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2012, 07:53:45 pm »
I personally liked myspce before Facebook but I don't see any reason to return because everyone has already migrated to Facebook and I doubt they will go back so pointless really.

Myspace didnt really have everyone to migrate from. Now aday, at least in the U.S., its hard to meet a person that isnt on facebook. In california here, you can use your facebook page as a valid form of ID for some college signups or SAT testing.

Myspace never had that kind of userbase, it was mainly for teenagers and bored people to fuck around and post where the parties were at. Nearly everyones grandparents have a facebook now.
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Re: Myspace is back, and with a new look
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2012, 08:49:23 pm »
I honestly doubt anyone that I am friends with will go back. That is my purpose for using social networking to communicate with friends so therefore pointless for me at least

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Re: Myspace is back, and with a new look
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2012, 09:52:00 pm »
Myspace didnt really have everyone to migrate from. Now aday, at least in the U.S., its hard to meet a person that isnt on facebook. In california here, you can use your facebook page as a valid form of ID for some college signups or SAT testing.

Myspace never had that kind of userbase, it was mainly for teenagers and bored people to fuck around and post where the parties were at. Nearly everyones grandparents have a facebook now.

Not to mention how useful it is for businesses. Almost every business these days has a FB cause it provides an easy medium for reaching their customers. Just get people to like your page, and they will be spammed with your products sales happenings and such. Also, they can provide a condensed version of their webpage, with all the need to know info, for free
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