13 posts now as of this very post.
I feel good about this. Some of the stuff I reply to and/or create threads to may or may not have helped someone. I want to feel I have helped more than had "stupid" posts. I want to better this family of evil members. But I have to sadly say, some (since gmod) have been to hopefully guide. Most replies here lately have been scarce and I know I'm not as I was in the past. The "live, love, contribute" has isn't posted in member intro, and I haven't been keeping up on member intros either, I'm not ignoring you guys, just other stuff has been hindering me from saying "hello" to all the on-time posters I have been able to weave out since joining this fine community.
All I can say is as the love spreader, I really and honestly love you guys. I have more for a closer friendship with a lot of you than I do with people in real fucking life. One day, when I sell this patent or (hopefully there of) I will visit all home countries and meet you all in face who have welcomed me. @Kulver, I see you as a sexy bitch
But really, this is longer than I expected to be here, and really feel in my heart and really value the status of GMOD. You guys are my life at this point (besides my wife, who you all know at this point). I LOVE all you active members, you know who you are, and there is no HOMO in hackers since sex is not a factor.
You all
active real members, I love you. You are my friends, you are my family. Keep on keeping on. I support you all. As my 1101 posts, love you.
~ Sincerely,
Evil Zone Love Spreader
Started in Random, and as a mod I figure it belongs in General Discussion. My bad, love you guys.