I recently made my own firefox addon and i'm the kind of person who likes to try out new type of languages or different projects
so i decided to do my first tutorial ever. This is not the easiest thing for me because my native language is not English and i pretty much blew of school
but i'm going to make a try.
This is a noob friendly tutorial
1. Install Netbeans IDE
Linux: sudo apt-get install netbeans
http://netbeans.org/downloads/index.html2. Download
http://www.teesoft.info/foxbeans/com-teesoft-foxbeans.nbm3. Open netbeans
4. Go to tools menu and click plugins
5. Go to Downloaded tab and click Add Plugins
6. Select the foxbeans.nbm file
7. Click Install and follow instructions
8. Restart Netbeans IDE
Installation is now completed
1. Go to File->New Project
2. As project select "Empty Mozilla Addon Project" and click next
3. Name your Project and click Next (I will be using "helloworld")
4. Fill out the page (Addon-ID MUST be uniqe for your addon)
The Addon name must not contain spaces
At the bottom you have to change the version of firefox that your
addon will be supported for. You can see the versions here
https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/pages/appversions/ I'm going to use 16.* as MaxVer.
Also select path to your firefox so you can test the addon
5. Create 3 files in your project
+ content
- overlay.xul
- alert.js
+ locale
- overlay.dtd
1. First of we will setup label names. This is good if you want to use
multiple languages support in your addon
Open your overlay.dtd and add following file
<!ENTITY helloworld.menu1 "hello" >
its pretty straight forward "helloworld.menu1" is the name of the entry
having your addon name first is recommended because as i heard this prevents
accidently using another addons entry or writing it over.
"hello" is the label of the entry
as I sad pretty straight forward
2. Now we will edit the overlay.xul file this is the file that will be read
by firefox. So in here we will link to the rest of the files
In my example i only have a contextmenu item.
In the bottom of the tutorial you have some useful links how to edit XUL files
my overlay.xul looks like this
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE overlay SYSTEM "chrome://{appname}/locale/overlay.dtd">
<overlay id="{appname}-overlay"
<script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://{appname}/content/alert.js" />
<menupopup id="contentAreaContextMenu">
<menuitem id="hello-cm" label="&helloworld.menu1;" onclick="{appname}.alert('my first firefox addon');"/>
Here we have the overlay.dtd file include as well as the alert.js include
The {appname} will be converted to your addon name when you build the project
we also have the <overlay> witch contains a namespace that say that we use XUL
<menupopup id="contentAreaContextMenu"> says that we will have a context menu
<menuitem> label is linked to the dtd file and starts with & and ends with ;
onclick says itself it call's a function
3. Now we will edit the alert.js this is pure javascript
Here you will have all your functions
My alert.js looks like this
if (typeof helloworld == "undefined") {
var helloworld = {
alert : function (msg) {
Here we have a namespace this is also done so you don't overwrite other
addons functions or use them by mistake.
the if is so we only load helloworld once
alert : function(msg) is the function name and that it is in fact a function
witch take the param msg...
Now run the project by pressing F6