I'm planning on working for my brothers web programming company a bit once I've finished college and he told me to start learning C#. I already know PHP so I should have a good head start. I don't like the fact that Microsoft made it (I'm a hardcore linux user and open source fanatic) but so far, I like what I'm learning. I see that ASP.NET can use multiple different programming languages, the main ones being C# and VB.NET. There are many new concepts I'm coming across here (such as the way C# web applications are compiled, the concept of codebehind pages that separate the C# from the HTML and the way ASP.NET is all event driven as opposed to a script which runs from start to finish like in PHP.
Does ASP.NET have many advantages over PHP? Are there any advantages PHP has over ASP.NET? Will it supercede PHP? Can I use my knowledge of PHP in conjunction with C# or will I just end up switching over to ASP.NET?