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Offline silenthunder

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SD Card virus
« on: October 08, 2012, 07:01:22 pm »
I live in an area where this is a large number of hunters, and these hunters use night-vision cameras for whatever reason but that's not important.. A friend of mine hunts and uses a camera, but since his camera is out in the middle of nowhere, somebody keeps taking the SD card out of the camera, taking all of the pictures off, and leaving the camera in peices on the ground.
My goal is to put a virus on the SD card that will hit his computer as soon as its plugged in or as soon as he goes to view the pictures. I have plenty of viruses and I know how to make basic batch files that'll do things like delete sys32. The only thing I don't know how to do is get the virus to active immediately, or somehow make it a sure thing that his computer will be toast. I'm assuming the guy will eventually stop taking the pictures, so I want to do this as soon as possible, and I would greatly appreciate Evilzone's help with this.

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Re: SD Card virus
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2012, 10:25:42 pm »
Put a autorun.inf in the root folder,but the SD has to pretend to be a CD,as winVista/win7 don't allow the "open=myvirus.exe" anymore,except for CDs...
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Offline Kulverstukas

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Re: SD Card virus
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2012, 11:19:54 pm »
indeed not much you can do. You could hope the thief is a dumbfuck with a system not set to show file extensions and make some keylogger, put a JPEG icon on it and put in the folder where pictures are.
The autorun trick works only on XP (can be turned off too) as Vista/7 have that shit turned off by default.

I really don't know what to suggest in this situation. Maybe wait near by in the bushes with a baseball bat?
« Last Edit: October 08, 2012, 11:20:25 pm by Kulverstukas »

Offline Snayler

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Re: SD Card virus
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2012, 11:49:10 pm »
Place a well hidden camera pointing to your friends camera, use some kind of movement detection feature and let it be there. It has to be really well hidden (top of a tree?). Next, a nice thing to do would be to make the photos available for every hunter, for them to see who has been messing with their equipment, they will do the rest for you.  ;D

Offline silenthunder

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Re: SD Card virus
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2012, 04:24:49 am »
indeed not much you can do. You could hope the thief is a dumbfuck with a system not set to show file extensions and make some keylogger, put a JPEG icon on it and put in the folder where pictures are.
The autorun trick works only on XP (can be turned off too) as Vista/7 have that shit turned off by default.

I really don't know what to suggest in this situation. Maybe wait near by in the bushes with a baseball bat?

There is a 95% chance that the thief is a dumbfuck when it comes to computers in general, just based off of my location and the type of people that live here.

Place a well hidden camera pointing to your friends camera, use some kind of movement detection feature and let it be there. It has to be really well hidden (top of a tree?). Next, a nice thing to do would be to make the photos available for every hunter, for them to see who has been messing with their equipment, they will do the rest for you.  ;D

That's actually a great idea, and they'd probably do a bit most than just "the rest", knowing these people...not my problem haha.

According to the wiki Area_13 posted,

"Windows 7: For all drive types, except DRIVE_CDROM, the only keys available in the [autorun] section are label and icon. Any other keys in this section will be ignored. Thus only CD and DVD media types can specify an AutoRun task or affect double-click and right-click behavior.
    There is a patch available, KB971029 for Windows XP and later, that will change AutoRun functionality to this behavior."

So if a win7 or Vista computer had said patch, then the SD card autorun.inf trick would work right? What if I could use a different kind of trick to force install that patch and then run the virus? But then again I could use that 'different' trick to run the virus directly so that's just redundant.. What about maybe a registry file that would move the virus to the Startup folder?
« Last Edit: October 09, 2012, 04:25:09 am by silenthunder »

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