Update: I am in America for a day or two. Had a quick stop in Germany on my way here, and got kinda drunk. 1543 Hefe-Weisse is probably the best beer I've ever had. Spent about 280 dollars at the strip club last night, and totally fucking raged about it when I woke up. I didn't want to go to a strip club in the first place, but I ran into some mentally deranged Nigerian taxi driver. I tried to get him riled up by talking about Lagos State (place in Nigeria that a lot of online scammers are from) and how shitty it is, and he was like, "How you know about Lagos State brudda?" Of course, I didn't mention to him that I went on a hacking spree of breaking into scammers' e-mail accounts about a year ago.
Anyway, this fucking taxi driver....I told him I wanted to go to a bar, and he takes me on the scenic route of fucking Baltimore, then takes me to a strip club that I didn't want to go to. So, I had a $45 dollar cab fare, plus the $280 that I was bamboozled out of at the strip club. I really wanted to strangle that fuckhead! Tonight's agenda is craps at the casino, cigars, some IRC shenanigans, and of course...getting YOLO wasted. More to come as the story develops!