I have found one draft on my gmail account, with no title, no recipients, no subjects, but only one photos. But i don't make that draft, or save an attachment, i have no idea who are the people on the photo. The photo is 603 width x 453 height, file size is 44.0 KB. I think the file size is kinda weird, so i check it out with stegodetect, and it gave positive on jpghide. Then i check with jpghide, it ask me for passphrase. I am wondering if there is any data hidden in that photo. This may be a clue to what the draft means. Anyway can you guys give me some idea on how to brute force attack a passphrase in jpghide or suggestions on any better steganography detector. Thanks in advance.
By the way i have uploaded the photos if you wanna check it out.
PS: plz don't mind the grammar mistakes, I am not english.