Yes, ok Pak_Track,England should show respect to India and to Pakistan too ,din't think of that.
You are one of the members that i like here (i like all folks actually) and from your posts that i read in the various sections of our forum i can say that i could hang out with you in real life. But i tottaly disagree with what you are saying here. Nationalism ( with the pure meaning of the word ) is the only natural and logical ideology that a human being can have,Nationalsm is above all a right,the right for someone to show his love for his race,for his family,the right for someone to speak in his counrty his own language,to follow with no fear his traditions,to honnor his heroes.
loyalty to a nation is why so many people die
Shouln't people show loyalty to their nation when a disaster is ahead.(i don't mean physical disaster)
Shouldn't the English,Russians,Polish,French,Serbs,Greeks,and the whole free world show loyalty to their nations against the Nazi in 2ww.What would happen if they said back then "come on why to saw loyalty to our counrty, let the Nazi folks occupie us"
Nationalism is valuing your countries "best interests" which are NEVER about the interests of the people but instead about the interests of the economy.
IMO loyalty to your country is loyalty to the money. Money > life in this way
Nationalism is not about the state or economy is about the people and the rights that people have to their Own country.Actually multiculturalism is about money.Multiculturalism is the enemy of the free societies,is the end of democracy.Sionists,Masons,banks and filthy govs around the world are against nationalism because this ideology is against their own evil plans of global domination.
I am not a human hater,but some cultures can not coexist ,this is my opinion .At least not to big numbers.