Hi, everyone. This is my first topic in this community. I'd like to tell you a method that can make a super strong,easy to remember password. I don't know if anybody know this before, I cooked it myself. English isn't my first language, So if I did not express clearly. just look the instance,It's very simple.
When I talk about 'super strong',I mean it contains numbers, uppercase and lowercase alphabetic characters,special characters. and it's long enough(if you want,It can be 30+ even 100+ length).
When I talk about 'easy remember' I mean you just need remember several numbers.
Here we go. it just need 4 steps.
step 1: Choose a simple password only contain numbers. it can by your cell phone number or your birthday etc. just easy to remember for you.For example here we use: 12345678
step 2: Look at your keyboard,choose several groups of buttons, each group have 4 buttons. it can be any easy remember sets. such as 1qaz 2wsx 3edc 4rfv 5tgb 6yhn 7ujm or 1234 qwer 5678 tyui 90-= op[] or 12zx 34cv 56bn 78m, 90./ For example here we use 12zx 34cv 56bn 78m, 90./
step 3: look your password which selected in step1. convert each number to a 4-bit binary string. 12345678 to 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000
step 4: Press the buttons which you selected in step2, according to the binary string. Here's the rule, 0 just press the button. 1 press Shift first then press the button.(or Do the opposite)
For example(here we use 1forShift rule) 12zx 34cv 56bn 78m, 90./ and 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 equals 12zX 34Cv 56BN 7*m, 9),> 1@Zx 3$CV %6bn
Is 12zX34Cv56BN7*m,9),>1@Zx3$CV%6bn strong enough for you ?
you just need remember 12345678.
this is it. I call it Binkey,I hope you like it.
sorry, I forgot introduce myself. here is it. I'm 'the computer guy' in a firm, my Job is to make sure the intercom,computer network,website,management software,computers,fax machines,copying machines,telephone,even the coffee machine keep running. I have to design and update the website too. And I have some knowledge of C,C++,C#,network. I would like to learn about hacking and security more and Also need help in java programming. i will try my best to share my knowledge.