Author Topic: So whats your view on self defence?  (Read 2103 times)

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Offline namespace7

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So whats your view on self defence?
« on: December 26, 2012, 03:08:37 pm »
It would be interesting to see what you guys think about defending yourselves.
Do you know any martial arts?
Do you own a weapon?
Do you know how to use it?
What is your self-defense philosophy?

Personally, I think that the best "martial art" is running-like-you-stole-it if you sense any danger or someone is about to attack you. If some guys just stop you and want to get your money/phone but don't seem like they would kill you then just give them the stuff they want (don't forget to ask if you could get your sim card though) and try to be confident but just do what they ask you to. If someone jumps you and its too late to run then by all means start acting like a crazy psycho. Start shaking as if demon possessed and scream your lungs out using strange weird noises and sounds. This method has helped a few friends actually. Sometimes criminals are very religious and are scared of that stuff. If you have no choice and your only way out is fighting then fight as dirty as you can. Keep acting crazy. BECOME crazy. I am talking about thrusting your fingers into their eyes as deep as you can, grabbing and squeezing/pulling their balls, breaking their fingers and biting them as hard as you can (preferably an area with as little fat as possible, because less fat equals more nerve density which means more pain). And once they are in lots of pain you can try to get them on the ground. Also never ever try to kick them above the knee level. Why? because its dangerous and not required. They could grab your leg and then you will go down very quickly and once you are down they can stomp your head and chest and you can be dead very quickly. So unless you have some serious experience in muay thai or something like it don't use kicks in a fight. Anyway if you manage to get them on the ground, keep kicking them and inflicting pain in any way you fancy until you think they can't do much to you anymore. Then you could just turn around and get the hell out of there. Or wait there and call police. I don't know do what ever you want. If it you were attacked far away from your home then I would recommend just getting the hell out of there because police can be stupid at times and if the attacker is smart and knows how to tell stories YOU might get into trouble. Especially if you messed him up pretty bad. So best just to leave him. You live far away so he wont find your home anyway. Also unless you have proper training in using knifes or other weapons DONT use them. Sometimes you might put yourself in more danger by trying to draw and use a knife if you dont know how to use it. Also, DONT punch the guy in the face using fists unless you have experience OR have conditioned your fist for impact. Human head is very hard, and human head bone structure is much more stronger (structurally) then human fist bone structure. By punching him with your fist to the face you might actually break some of your bones in the fist, and that could do two things: 1. you won't be able to use that hand to do anything and 2. you MIGHT be in lots of pain (depending how it broke) and the excess pain might make it hard to concentrate and hence fight efficiently. So better just use the above mentioned dirty methods which wont hurt you much but will hurt him as hell. If you must give him a blow, then use the hammer first or your lower palm to hit him. Or just punch other softer areas with a normal fist punch.
I never carry weapons because the chance of getting attacked is very small and because in UK no weapons are allowed (and I mean NO weapons. No guns, no sticks, no knifes, NOTHING. If you are attacked by someone and use anything to defend yourself and can't give a good reason to the police why you were carrying that thing for other purposes then fighting you will be in trouble).
Finally I think that if you want to learn self defense DONT bother learning traditional martial arts. Why? Because if self-defence is the only reason, there are better ways. Go do some boxing for half a year. You will be better of then a first degree traditional martial arts black belt. Trust me. Its a proven fact. Traditional martial arts take ages to master, and unless you study them for a very long time, they will be useless as far as practical self defense is concerned. However, if you just want a nice hobby and self-defense is not your primary focus, then yes, feel free to study traditional martial arts.
The only way to be an effective fighter is to fight. Practice makes perfect. The problem with traditional martial arts is that their practitioners don't really fight at the speeds that fights happen in real life. In boxing on the other hand, you get as much real life practice as you want. You hit each other to the head at full speed and intensity. You also learn to time your attacks well, and timing in a fight is EVERYTHING.

Anyway, thats what I think about this self-defence/martial arts thing.
Please share your insights and philosophies.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2012, 03:18:00 pm by namespace7 »
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Re: So whats your view on self defence?
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2012, 03:36:23 pm »
Hi namespace7,

I absolutely agree with everything you wrote. I do some kind of traditional martial art for more than 5 years now and in my opinion this specific art of kung fu (called wing tsun) is one of the most powerful and the one that puts you very fast in a position where you are able to defend yourself effectively. Most martial arts are very much technique driven which means you learn a specific technique for every situation. Wing Tsun is more or less an technique less self defence system just following a few very simple guidelines. Its pretty good explained here: . Basically all tournament fighting sports like taekwondo and such don't prepare you for a real street fight. You train for the tournament and the tournament has rules and the street doesn't. As you said before the best way would be to de-escalate and don't fight as far as possible. I know I am able to defend myself  but I would never do it if it is not necessary. I would always search for the possibility to run away rather than fighting but there are times where you need to do it. Maybe you are with your girl and you can't run away and leave her behind :) I would really love to say that I never needed what I have learned...
Last but not least your are absolutely right with what you wrote about the hardness of a human head. We have a simple guideline for that as well. Punch hard parts of the body with an open hand and soft parts of the body with the fist. If you stick to this you won't hurt yourself :)
Looking forward to see more opinions on that topic
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Re: So whats your view on self defence?
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2012, 03:38:36 pm »

Answers to your questions:

Q.Do you know any martial arts?
yes I know basic Taekwondo

Q.Do you own a weapon?
Yes, I own a Webley Mark IV 32 revolver, a pellet rifle, an Airsoft AK-47(It hurts alot) and a Swiss Army knife(i carry it with me at all times and trust me its very useful)

Q.Do you know how to use it?
Of course. Why keep a weapon when you don't know how to use it?

Q.What is your self-defense philosophy?
My defense philosophy is simple. Find your opponents weak spots and attack them hard. A punch in the genitals or a poke in the eye normally does the trick.
I agree with you when you say that one should scream his/her lungs out if overpowered. I disagree with you on running away when being chased. This will wear you down and decrease you're chances of fighting properly. Have you ever watched "Worst case scenario" hosted by Bear Grylles? You should wear your chaser/enemy down by making him enter a wild goose chase and then strike the final blow. My personal advice is keep a sharp eye, a swiss army knife and learn how to pick locks and how to use common hand guns like the Glock, Baretta, TT, HP77B, Walther .etc. and common SMG's like the MAC10, UZI, MP5 Navy, UMP.etc. Also learn the basics of common assault rifles like the M4A1, AK-47.etc.
And hopefully, you will be OK.  :)

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Re: So whats your view on self defence?
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2012, 04:04:49 pm »
I disagree with you on running away when being chased. This will wear you down and decrease you're chances of fighting properly.

I guess this is different for every individual. A big muscular guy who weighs 100kg (220 pounds) or a guy who is slow at running or gets tired quickly should of course not run away. Makes sense. But a smaller guy who can run faster then average and has a trained cardiovascular system should use that advantage and get the hell out of there. For example, I personally can outrun most average people. A few times some street thugs tried to catch me but they failed miserably. Now everyone is different so its just important to know yourself and act accordingly.
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Re: So whats your view on self defence?
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2012, 04:12:40 pm »
I guess this is different for every individual. A big muscular guy who weighs 100kg (220 pounds) or a guy who is slow at running or gets tired quickly should of course not run away. Makes sense. But a smaller guy who can run faster then average and has a trained cardiovascular system should use that advantage and get the hell out of there. For example, I personally can outrun most average people. A few times some street thugs tried to catch me but they failed miserably. Now everyone is different so its just important to know yourself and act accordingly.
that makes sense. i can run quickly but cant run for long. for me it would be a step by step approach to systematically defeat my opponent rather than running away or an all out assault. plus running away is difficult if someone is discreetly tailing you. you should act normally and slip away. if the guy has accomplices he may alert them and it will become an all out chase

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Re: So whats your view on self defence?
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2012, 05:08:06 pm »
Try Wing Chun. The statement "The problem with traditional martial arts is that their practitioners don't really fight at the speeds that fights happen in real life" will become void.
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Re: So whats your view on self defence?
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2012, 05:22:10 pm »

Running is for bitches, kick their ass with your bare hands

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Re: So whats your view on self defence?
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2012, 05:49:05 pm »
Running is for bitches, kick their ass with your bare hands
I would have to agree with everything said above, not with hanorotu's post.
If you get jumped by some high drug junkie, then sure, you can just push him and he'll fall. But if you get jumped by a guy with a gun or few guys - I wouldn't care if I was a bitch but I would run if I could.
Fighting is the last resort...
I always carry pepper spray in a quick-access pocket or somewhere easy to reach.

I was doing Aikido for a few years but it wasn't pure aikido - trainer was practicing primarily aikido but had many years of boxing experience, so he used to mix moves and it turned out very well, but after a few years I quit, had other things to do.
And his philosophy also was to run like hell if you have the chance - resort to fighting only if you really have to. Streets has no rules - they can just shoot you where you stand and no one will care, so it's only fair to fight like you want to kill the opponent by any means.

If you just have to fight, try to hit to the chin with lower palm - if you hit hard enough it will knock the guy out with 1 hit.

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Re: So whats your view on self defence?
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2012, 05:58:39 pm »
First of all.. Be paranoid that such a situation never arises..
If it does..
Try reason to get out of it.. Like if someone picks or tries to pick a fight...

>negotiation.. Try negotiating.. As in it you're being robbed.. Be cooperative and reasonable.. It's better to part with money rather than life.

>>intimidation... Try to intimidate your enemy with consequences and your "I have friends in places"...

>>>if it still comes to fight.. Fight dirty...
Do not scratch.. Do not draw blood if possible.
slaps on the ears are good to destroy balance and can be taken as "defensive" in terms of law.
A kick on groin works..
Use the environment to your benefit..

kick on a persons legs bit only hurt they reduce the said enemies mobility..

running away and then blindsiding someone is relatively safe when compared to head on fight.

throwing sand in someone's eyes is a good defence... Then you beat the did person our run away...

a pepper spray or red chilli powder in a satchel is good if you suspect that you might get attacked... it is a real inconvienience  to fight someone with chili powder in eyes..

knives and guns are not real defence because it rarely comes to it.. And coming out of an armed fight alive is really unlikely...
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Re: So whats your view on self defence?
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2012, 07:12:05 pm »
I believe is important to know how to defend your self, i'm doing Kick-Boxing for 7 years now and i can say is the best Martial art,i also done Krav-Maga in the army and i realized is very good for all people.
Is very important also to train your psychology/personality to be able to cope in certain situations,the " is running-like-you-stole-it " method it doesn't work always and it always depends on the incident,of course a diplomatic method is the best method but again sometimes this is not enough.
About guns now,for me is a big mistake to carry a gun with you (i mean in public) a bad temper  can lead you in prison or worst in a cemetery,maybe a small knife would be ok i think,i personally own and keep only in my house legally a mossberg 590 shotgun and a collection of some knifes.

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Re: So whats your view on self defence?
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2012, 09:57:51 pm »
Do you know any martial arts?
I know the fundamentals of Shotokan Karate (Purple Belt when I stopped going)

Do you own a weapon?
I own several weapons. I have a handgun that is a .40 caliber Springfield Armory XD 5" tactical barrel. I also own a bunch of knives/swords. Then I have your common blunt force instruments such as a baseball bat which I keep in arms reach of my front door. I also have pepper spray (Mace), baton, taser, and a pair of handcuffs as well (I'm a security guard)

Do you know how to use it?
Yes I've been trained with my firearm as well as have an exposed firearm permit, baton permit, taser permit, and my chemical agent permit. I also frequent 2 of my local ranges and my bullets always hit my target ;)

What is your self-defense philosophy?
being that I'm a security guard and trained with this equipment and that my life could be in danger I always stay vigilant and aware of my surroundings. If someone were to break into my home, they're dead, no ifs ands or buts about it. My bullets will fly through their heads if my bat doesn't get to them first. On the job, it's a different situation. Unless the suspect is armed with a firearm or long range deadly weapon, I need to either use my taser/baton/mace before I pull out my firearm. I can also only pull out my firearm if I am in immediate danger as in someone pointing a gun at me. Lastly if someone has an assault rifle, see ya, I'm gone ;)
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Re: So whats your view on self defence?
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2012, 04:00:35 pm »
I started training Wing Chun a year ago and I love it. For some people it may look like a good martial art for movies as Ip Man but honestly it's not only that. The concept of martial art is based on science which mean every move have some angle of your hand that you should learn if you want to defend yourself. My philosopy about street fights is to avoid as much as possible he moment of  fighting. But if there is no other option then fight. But most immportant is to stay calm. Many people have adrenaline rush which make your moves kind a wierd since control is not that good. But if you are calm, and you do know some martial art, just hit hard and dirty. Nobody care how you won the fight if you are the winer. :)
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Re: So whats your view on self defence?
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2012, 06:23:41 pm »
Many people have adrenaline rush which make your moves kind a wierd since control is not that good.

I ALWAYS get an adrenaline rush if I am doing anything unusual. Like being attacked. I have tried my best, but there is nothing I can do to control my adrenaline rush. It just hits me like a hammer. Helps to run fast and not pay attention to pain though.
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Re: So whats your view on self defence?
« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2012, 07:07:18 pm »
Do you know any martial arts?
A very little bit of Muay Thai and Krav Maga.

Do you own a weapon?
Several ka-bars of various lengths, a make-shift garrote, and a S&W Spec Ops knife

Do you know how to use it?
Yes I know how to use knives and which arteries will cause the most blood loss if cut, and I have actually choked somebody to the point of unconsciousness with my garrote (ref.

What is your self-defense philosophy?
I don't run unless if the odds are obviously not in my favor. I can hold my own, but I'm not retarded.