Well it was either google or you guys, and I think I'd rather hear firsthand knowledge from you guys that know what to do right away.
My friend somehow got this virus on his computer and brought it to me to get fixed. Here is a description of the virus:
1: Turn on the computer (Windows 7)
2: Type in password to log on
3: Desktop starts to load, taskbar flashes a time or two, screen goes black for a few seconds
4: The screen fills with a warning from "Internet Crime Complaint Center/Department of Federal Bureau of Investigations"
5: A section of the warning reads: "You have been violating Copyright and Related Rights Law (Video, Music, Software) and illegally using or distributing copyrighted content, thus infringing Article" blahblahblah
6: "Fines may only be paid within 72 hours after the infringement." after the 72 hours im going to court blahblahblah
7: At the bottom there's a MoneyPak logo that's clickable and gives you steps on how to pay the $500 fine, which is also filled with terrible word choice: "Look for a MoneyPak in the prepaid section. Take it to the cashier and load it with a cash of $500" shit shit shit blahblahblah
8: The virus also activates the webcam and plays back a live feed of yourself.
9: I have no access to anything really, the CTRL+ALT+DEL command works but if I click taskmanager or anything, it's clear that it opens but the virus screen returns immediatly.
I've dealt with viruses before but I've never seen anything like this. All I would like help with is, how can I trick it or get around it to be able to view the desktop and stuff? I can probably handle it from there but tips are very appreciated