Ok I see what you mean guys.
He might be showing off, yes.
Oh and BTW, just because a company such as apple is overrated and likes to steal innovation, does not make its products bad. Stealing innovations and claiming to be the most innovative company might be morally wrong, but that does not make the company products bad. I have used a friends macbook pro that is 6 years old but is more stable and responsive then mine year old laptop with slightly better specs. So calling the products that immoral company makes bad is not exactly logical. I don't have a problem when people hate on the company, but I do have a problem when they start hating on the products, because there is nothing wrong with them, as far as an average user is concerned, and average users are the big majority.
So often people compare products from a tech user perspective, when that does not make sense for the average user.
Its kind of hard to express what I mean, but judging from the discussions about apple that I have seen around the net, I realized that many people are just misinformed. Most have not even used a mac for a considerable amount of time to understand it, and hence just judge the product based on the facts about the company. That should never be the case, because first of all all companies in the world have their dark secrets, and some are just better at keeping them that way then others.
BTW, I am still waiting for that one single reason why an average user (or even that guy who works as a virtualization architect by the way) should NOT use a mac and use windows or linux instead. One good reason.