Author Topic: Visual Basic 6 (Question)  (Read 4378 times)

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Visual Basic 6 (Question)
« on: January 04, 2013, 02:25:44 pm »
I have a HUGE book for learning vb , but it teaches vb 6. I learned almost the 1st part of the book(the whole book is divided in two seperate books , basic stuff and advance projects.)
But when i try to code in  visual studio ultimate 2012, eaven the hellow world code :
 MsgBox  " hellow "
 doesnt run.  (the syntex has changed)
SO my question is , should i keep learning vb 6 ?
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Offline vezzy

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Re: Visual Basic 6 (Question)
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2013, 10:07:06 pm »
I have had highly minimal VB6 experience, but as for whether to learn it or not...

Visual Basic 6 is officially a dead standard, and indeed, a lot of companies have migrated to VB.NET now. New development is done in VB.NET and most jobs ask for developers with .NET experience.

Nevertheless, there is still a decent chunk (a couple of million, I think) who use VB6 substantially. Not to mention, there are a ton of legacy applications that must be maintained.

I say learn VB6 to a level decent enough for code maintenance, but if you want to pursue serious endeavours, learn VB.NET. It is the modern standard.

(personally, I'm not a fan of any .NET languages, but there is a large market for them)
« Last Edit: January 04, 2013, 10:07:45 pm by vezzy »
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Re: Visual Basic 6 (Question)
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2013, 12:02:38 am »
I agree with Vezzy here. I wouldn't really even bother with V6. There are plenty of E-books available that you can toss the VB6 book out the door. Ironically I had one as well which met the same fate, but I had it sitting around for 8 years too lol. But I'd look at C# if you're going to work with Windows. I personally haven't touched it, but I work with a few people that enjoy it.
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Offline EmilKXZ

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Re: Visual Basic 6 (Question)
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2013, 03:00:53 pm »
Yeah, go for .NET stuff, in any language you like.

I personally don't use .NET stuff, but that's because I'm no supporter of frameworks. I don't like the idea of the client having to install some Java or .NET runtime in order to run my code. Not that is a hassle (I think it even comes by default in some Windows systems), but I have seen huge mistakes that newbie coders make, such as checking the .NET version with an 'equal' instead of a 'greater than', that prevents the program from running if the client doesn't have that EXACT .NET runtime version. Those are rookie mistakes you should avoid and think several times before deploying a project into production.