The other day IFailStuff was asking me about this, so I made a simple app to help him extract some specific stuff from a XML file.
On the form, you will need a RichBoxText (resize it and make it big).
Imports System.Net, System.Text.RegularExpressions
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim wc As New WebClient 'webclient
Dim gets As String = wc.DownloadString("") 'read the XML file from the site, edit this to your own
Dim stuff As New System.Text.StringBuilder 'string builder
For Each fail As Match In Regex.Matches(gets, "\<loc\>.*\<\/loc\>") 'getting the specific text in the <loc></loc> tags, you can modify this to your own
stuff.AppendLine(fail.Value.Replace("<loc>", "").Replace("</loc>", ""))
richboxtext1.Text = stuff.ToString 'put the results on a richboxtext
'richboxtext1.SaveFile("C:/failstuff.txt") 'this is optional, saving the txt file into that location (win7/vista needs admin permission)
End Sub
End Class
In that case, IFS needed to extract URLs from the "loc" tags, so you can modify this and make it extract what ever you want.