It seems whenever a member post something hes been working on I have something similar Ive been working on.....ghost....
Project ACE or just ACE will be my attemp to create an advanced AI. Heres the contents of the Design.txt file:
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### IDEA ###
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ACE will be based of JARVIS from Iron Man. The basic idea will be to
allow me to control certain aspects of my computer by just speaking to
the computer. ACE will be able to understand humans and be able to talk
to them. ACE will have built in file management and well control of the
whole computer.
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### FEATURES ###
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Speech Recognition
A Voice
File Management
Real-time Updates
Conversation System/Understanding
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The current idea for the UI will be a CLI like design. May have a menu
to control certian options of ACE uh...
Here a preview of what Ive got so far:
I know this should really be written in something like C++ but I havent touched that in ages and with exams coming up
Ideas and suggestion are welcomed. I'll update whenever I can be bothered too