Hey guys, so I wasn't too sure if this could be placed here (if it has to get moved/deleted, I'll do it) but on my way to learning programming better, I've been working on an iOS application (mobile app creation that I maybe could use later haha). Anyway, I've been having some trouble trying to get an UIImage to reveal itself (it's set to hidden (from the storyboard viewer) but after a certain event (an if statement) I would like for it to pop up and be viewable to the user.
if(isWordComplete) { //this is where I believe code should call the image from a "hidden" state
[myDisplay setHidden:YES];
[myDisplay2 setHidden:YES];
[myDisplay3 setHidden:YES];
[myDisplay4 setHidden:YES];
[myDisplay5 setHidden:YES];
[myDisplay6 setHidden:YES];
[myDisplay7 setHidden:YES];
[self checkNumberofWordsUserCompleteInLevel:isWordComplete];
[self moveToNextWord];
I feel like I've tried everything with UIImageView but nothing seems to be working...maybe someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance for any help!