Author Topic: Is the type of internet connection matters when using backtrack 5  (Read 2133 times)

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Offline alaasam

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I have downloaded backtrack 5 and finally I'm able to use my broadband connection on backtrack 5 . I have downloaded some tutorials but all of them are done in wireless networks . they start with scanning the wireless network I don't have wireless network . Is there is any way to look for live machines other than scanning the network which I'm within ? or in other words can anyone tell me what my first step should be ?

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Re: Is the type of internet connection matters when using backtrack 5
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2013, 08:44:38 pm »
First step? Id suggest doing some learning about networks. RBA has some great tutorials on it in our tutorials section. Try and learn about both wlan and LAN connections. Learn about ports and the tcp/ip protocol.
After all that, learn nmap (or even zenmap) learn the flags and how to use them. Then, you might be able to use backtrack the way you want. Good luck and happy hacking
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Offline alaasam

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Re: Is the type of internet connection matters when using backtrack 5
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2013, 08:49:00 pm »
Well I am a network engineering student 4th year , I know a lot about computer networks , TCP/IP protocol suit , Unix OS , network programming , and basic security issues , but i don't know what is next . So can you tell me what is next now??

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Re: Is the type of internet connection matters when using backtrack 5
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2013, 10:48:38 pm »
Well I am a network engineering student 4th year , I know a lot about computer networks , TCP/IP protocol suit , Unix OS , network programming , and basic security issues , but i don't know what is next . So can you tell me what is next now??

Man, either your teachers need to get a better curriculum or you need to pay more attention. On any OS, you can only see either computers on the same network as you or the AP of a network your not on. By AP i mean the router or a server that allows remote access of some sort including displaying webpages.
So scanning while on your mobile broadband network will reveal only APs to other networks. If your scanning using your wifi card youll see routers whose broadcast reaches you. Idk if AP is the proper terminology here, so sorry if my use of it is confusing.
Id suggest double checking your knowledge of networks and how they are set up as im only a first year comp sci student but ive figured this out just from reading around these forums. Im not tryimg to belittle you, its not your fault if your professors cant teach, but i am suggesting double checking your knowledge against RBAs tutorials and/or ebooks in our ebooks section.

Hope this helps, cheers
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Offline alaasam

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Re: Is the type of internet connection matters when using backtrack 5
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2013, 12:26:20 am »
 :)  thanks a lot but I might didn't make it clear but I know that , I will try to ask my question in a better way , all the tutorials I saw starts with scanning the wireless network . can I use the same tools when using my broadband connection which is ppp ?? 

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Re: Is the type of internet connection matters when using backtrack 5
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2013, 04:54:05 am »
And they must teach you how to use search engines right.
Not digging it Wtf.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 04:57:17 am by proxx »
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Re: Is the type of internet connection matters when using backtrack 5
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2013, 07:37:04 am »
:)  thanks a lot but I might didn't make it clear but I know that , I will try to ask my question in a better way , all the tutorials I saw starts with scanning the wireless network . can I use the same tools when using my broadband connection which is ppp ??

As long as you have a wireless card in your computer, you can use the wireless tools. All the broadband connection does is give you internet, in order to scan networks and break into them its assumed you currently have no internet connection but you do have a wireless card. So you would then run your scan, aircrack, and then jump on their network. Nullifying this broadband connection of yours. If all your trying to do is follow some wifi tutorials with backtrack, then your broadband connection doesn't enter into the equation at all except to load the tutorials for you.
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Offline alaasam

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Re: Is the type of internet connection matters when using backtrack 5
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2013, 10:49:53 am »
so when I specify the interface when using backtrack  I should use the wireless interface not ppp interface ???

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