It's kind of difficult to understand what your asking for, but I'm guessing you want a system where you can write an article, and when you press submit it appears on the main page of your website? You need to use PHP/MySQL for that. In phpmyadmin, youd want to make a database->table-> and then start naming the columns in it. In your case, you may want to have user, title, and article as your three different columns.
When your user clicks the submit button, the code would look something like:
$title = $_POST['title'];
$user = $_SESSION['usr'];
$article = $_POST['article'];
mysql_query("INSERT INTO table user, title, article VALUES ($user, $title, $article)", $con);
After that, you'll want the code on the index page to display posts something like:
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table", $con);
echo "No articles yet";
while($row = $mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
$article = $row['article'];
$title = $row['title'];
name = $row['user'];
echo $user.":"$title."<br />"."$article";
That is of course just some pseudo code, im not going to write the whole thing for you
To learn about this stuff research mysql, thats how you start doing things with posts and etc. Basically, though, you just have the user enter the users input into the database and then print it out. Remember to secure it if this is for public use. Use Google