Not too long ago I discovered this little tool called redshift.
When its late in the day, its dark outside and your eyes are tired of staring at a bright white screen there is nothing more annoying than the heavy light on your eyes.. agree?
Also studies have shown that light keeps you awake and triggers your brain, this might be desired but not when you have to sleep anytime soon.
For these reasons there is this tool.
So what does it do?
It shifts (as the name suggest) your RGB settings towards red.
Its very easy on the eyes especially when you have that painful feeling behind them after a long day.(not alone here right?)
redshift -h
Usage: redshift -l LAT:LON -t DAY:NIGHT [OPTIONS...]
Set color temperature of display according to time of day.
-h Display this help message
-v Verbose output
-V Show program version
-b N Screen brightness to apply (max is 1.0)
-c FILE Load settings from specified configuration file
-g R:G:B Additional gamma correction to apply
-l LAT:LON Your current location
-l PROVIDER Select provider for automatic location updates
(Type `list' to see available providers)
-m METHOD Method to use to set color temperature
(Type `list' to see available methods)
-o One shot mode (do not continously adjust color temperature)
-O TEMP One shot manual mode (set color temperature)
-x Reset mode (remove adjustment from screen)
-r Disable temperature transitions
-t DAY:NIGHT Color temperature to set at daytime/night
The neutral temperature is 6500K. Using this value will not
change the color temperature of the display. Setting the
color temperature to a value higher than this results in
more blue light, and setting a lower value will result in
more red light.
Default values:
Daytime temperature: 5500K
Night temperature: 3700K
Just enter your coordinates and it will autodetect your time settings etc etc.
like this; redshift -l 12:34
Link: from that website.