Author Topic: Making $$$ with Adsense/Youtube.  (Read 811 times)

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Making $$$ with Adsense/Youtube.
« on: March 28, 2013, 06:33:15 am »
Was just lurking around and found this :

Not part of that forum so i wanted to ask if anyone had tried something similar. Thought it would be cool to give it a try and scrape up some extra change(Or payback from Google spying on you.).

I'm not entirely sure how using Amazon with adsense works so if someone could tell me that would be appreciated :)

I had the idea of doing everything from the article but using YouTube instead of Amazon. However, i know YouTube checks on your channel if you apply for Adsense so getting around that might be tricky. My prediction is they wouldn't give a shit as long their ads are getting clicked. If one were to get around that would Google pickup on you sending your video links to a compiled e-mail list? Do views/ad clicks count if they're clicked through e-mail?

Not too sure what else to ask for this, would like some input if anyone does this. Of course, this is all hypothetical so any idea are welcomed ;)