I still havent really gotten anything.
Deque, thanks for the tip, but being the true noob I am, I have no idea about how to run an assembly program. I reversed the shell code to assembly, and tried compiling it with fasm, but all i get is a BIN file
which, again, being the noob I am, doesn't make sense to me and I don't know how to run it (expected an exe... is that not what I should get?)
This is the output from the program i have right now: pastebin.com/yi7kQNc3
And removing the line numbers, this is the asm code:
xor eax,eax
push eax
push dword(0x76202478)
push dword(0x78707579)
push dword(0x70247375)
push dword(0x75222779)
push dword(0x73222524)
push dword(0x25797477)
push dword(0x78717072)
push dword(0x22767871)
push dword(0x73752279)
push dword(0x78702722)
push dword(0x22752278)
push dword(0x79777770)
push dword(0x25232524)
push dword(0x70717275)
push dword(0x71727424)
push dword(0x24762720)
push dword(0x74797071)
push dword(0x24742224)
push dword(0x23737920)
push dword(0x73257725)
push dword(0x75252523)
push dword(0x77792073)
push dword(0x27247470)
push dword(0x24202070)
push dword(0x70752374)
push dword(0x76797276)
push dword(0x27247079)
push dword(0x79787724)
push dword(0x24757771)
push dword(0x70767727)
push dword(0x78717124)
push dword(0x75717679)
push esp
pop esi
mov edi,esi
mov edx,edi
mov ecx,0x80
mov ebx,0x41
xor eax,eax
push eax
lods byte[esi]
xor eax,ebx
stos byte[es:edi]
loop 0xb7
push esp
pop esi
int 0x3