Author Topic: Any one know about Decompiling Android .apk?  (Read 2972 times)

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Offline BackSlashx00

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Any one know about Decompiling Android .apk?
« on: April 16, 2013, 09:35:11 am »
I am having an issue after recompiling the desired Android Package Kit (APK). I decompiled an application to see the source. That worked with no issues. However I did not change any pieces of the code, I just wanted to test if this worked, so I photo shopped the start splash image. Then when I recompiled the source using:
apktool b example1 example1.apk
The message appeared the way it is supposed to. It was checking to see if there were any changes, and it built the apk file fine. However after installing the application to my phone, I get an error that displays: Application not installed, and a button that says "Done". Not sure if I am doing anything wrong, or it is the application itself.

Offline IchownUrMomNfsck

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Re: Any one know about Decompiling Android .apk?
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2013, 11:16:17 am »
thats really strange i havnt had this happen yet...keyword...maybe it wasnt signed correctly or something became corrupted in apktool...try downloading the drag and drop sign tool from xda-developers forum(its bundled with a few other things downloaded a while back dont remember exact name but should be easy to search for) then take to recompiled app and drop it onto "drop_and_sign.bat" and it will sign for you and spit out the new one in the same directory...if this doesnt help then possibly you altered something and didnt realize it...

Offline Solo.wolf2013

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Re: Any one know about Decompiling Android .apk?
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2013, 05:35:13 am »
Git is the best friend of mine when i recompile, decompile android apps

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Re: Any one know about Decompiling Android .apk?
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2013, 01:43:22 pm »
My personal favorite :

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Virtuous Ten Studio (VTS) is the ultimate solution for the modification of android applications. This program allows you to manage entire Android projects within an easy to use and familiar environment.

The intended group of users covers anyone from a themer over ROM devs up to the smali gods known for their awesome mods of existing apks. The modifcation of smali code is one of the biggest features in VTS. You can easily decompile, edit and recompile any apk or jar file.
However, the application is not limited to smali files. You can edit almost any file found inside an apk or jar.

Virtuous Ten Studio is also the official successor to the highly important M10Tools released 2011 by the Virtuous Team. You can easily edit any m10 file from Sense apps in order to resize, modify or theme them.

Additionally VTS brings support for un- and repacking of boot images (boot.img), a job that previously required a cygwin installation with the dsixda kitchen. Since VTS' own implementation is a native windows solution, you don't need dsixda or cygwin anymore.

VTS has been designed to run on Windows, has been in development for over a year and has gone through many stages of testing. We now feel that the it is mature enough to be released publicly.

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