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Messages - NovaCygni

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Hacking and Security / Re: Something weird in sql??
« on: December 02, 2013, 12:06:42 am »
You could always Portscan for the  responses  and see if theres a admin login panel waiting there for you. Though shame on you for asking in a public forum, thats a question you best of not asking and having googled properly yourself!

Science / Re: such a shame
« on: November 28, 2013, 10:17:01 pm »
It kinda kills the entire idea of time travel because of the "infinite" possible years ahead and the (as stated) lack of people visiting us now and thousand years back++. However that is also a counterargument, because of the "infinite" years ahead, the last thousand years or so might not be of any interest to travel to at all.

Its not infinite really as the Timetravel still has to exist within the rules of the universe which clearly show that there is no possible time travel to a point BEFORE the first time travel device was constructed, therefor the "Going back in time" idea is  completely  incorrect... furthermore the "Infinite" time into the future is also a flawed concept that ignores the fact that 29Billion years from now the universe will enter a "Radioactive death", in which all matter will begin to decay down into its most basic form. Based on the theory of multiple universes we can conclude that though we may live in a universe thats "Just right" the other universes will likely all either have had a constant "Death" state or will exist purely in a Plasma bubble that our own universe once existed in, and without Quantum Discord to disrupt the Plasma bubble state these other universes are as stated  earlier, Sterile.

You could therefore travel forward intime to a  certain  point, but the concept of going back in time is only ever put forward for  Hollywood  or by people who fail to understand the Non-Liner  flow of time.

Mobile Hacking / Re: Tracking Mobile Location-Android
« on: October 26, 2013, 06:28:55 am »
The government can, you can't.
Actually so long as you can get access to the phone you wish to track theres a whole field of "Apps" you can stick on a phone to covertly track it, you can also purchase "Spy Phones" which allow you to track them and use them as a mobile bugging device even when the phone is "Switched off".

Ive used Apps of this nature before on my own phone so I can find them if I ever loose them or there stolen, though recently some phones come with this feature as a free additional "Perk"

.NET Framework / Re: VB.NET runPE [problem]
« on: October 19, 2013, 06:21:09 pm »
run and debug with ollydbg, least yourll see whats throwing the exception.

Scripting Languages / Re: Python : without .NET
« on: October 19, 2013, 07:18:59 am »
Why would you want to make it a .exe file? and .net is pretty much bundled with every, you rarely wouldnt have it on your pc... in a worst case scenerio release it with a Macromedia Installshield package and enable the Detect/Download Net framework feature (* Ive done this for a couple C# mmorpgs bots I did and even a F# version I did for CabalOnlineEU *)

Nice ^^ Good share!
Go introduce yourself in the "New members" section in forum, then please take a trip to see the Dr Morph he's been expecting you.

I Disagree, once mastered the registry tree can be highly useful, yourll be suprised how much "Tweaking" you can get done system wide with simple registry tree edits and additions, like adding features to basic windows drivers that you know the hardware supports, is in the drivers itself but isnt natively present (* ie, Channel limitations and so forth *).

Though ill grant, to someone who hasnt spent alot of time studying the registry tree I can see how it would seem like a chaotic system.

General discussion / Re: How Did You Get Started?
« on: October 15, 2013, 05:48:18 pm »
Of course we all were kids once that perhaps wished to become the greatest "black/white/gray" hat out there after watching some hacker related movie, i know i was
Was Wargames in my case, to this day I still remember the head of the schools password was "Pencil"... :D

Hacking and Security / Re: Social Engineer Vector
« on: October 14, 2013, 06:21:25 am »
Crawl Pastebin and other similar sites for 0-days, every Anon I know puts them there (* as much as I wish they wouldnt... *), also, you could always SocialEngineer the guy into having a MSN/Skype or other form of vuln chat with you and hack him through that... countless people have been stung over MSN and its not much of a secret that Skype has more vulnerable's than kids in a Vietnamese Orphanage named "The Gary Glitter foundation"...

Android / Re: Samsung Galaxy S3 [Monitor Mode]
« on: October 14, 2013, 06:11:36 am »
I found a S3 on my way home after a night out, figured id play with it abit, im already a fan of my Pi to the point of my first install (* after rooting obviously ;o *) was VNC so I could use the S3 as a monitor for the Pi I carry in my bag instead of the ugly 6" screen I was using before. Id actually just downloaded there apk file a minute ago but upon checking the notes its monitor mode only without injection capability :/ I was trying to have a option where I can "Always" have tools handy as sometimes I cant keep the Pi, powerpack and antenna around.

General discussion / Re: How Did You Get Started?
« on: October 14, 2013, 05:47:28 am »
Started as a kid with a Commodore-PET and to much time on my hands, moved onto the Spectrums when they came out and then Amigas until 1998... spent my entire life reversing everything I could just to see how it all worked (* I had killed at least 50 computers before id even left secondary school *). I began attending 2600 meetings when I was 12, I kind of became the "Mascot" of the group I was going to, until we all went our separate ways we used to fuck with any public terminals we could get hold of... getting myself banned from every Library in london in the process. I got expelled from college after making myself admin of the college network and then snooping at everything I found, my mistake was mocking some of the lecturers about how they earnt less than others and frankly, being brash and cocky in general... After being expelled I was sent a letter inviting me back less than a month later on the agreement I didnt attend any of the classes (* I was one of three students who could pass the course, they needed me to pass to keep funding for the course, I knew this, and abused it in the fashion any smart-arse know-it-all rebellious teenager would *).

General discussion / Re: TOR exit node raid
« on: October 14, 2013, 05:33:09 am »
Plausible deniability is why they would run it, the raids are purely a media stunt, theres no way under either EU or US law that anyone can be successfully prosecuted for the effects of running a exit node. Any self-respecting person with half a brain cell would easily walk out of court then sue for damages, defamation of character, wrongful arrest and false imprisonment.

That all said, a persons defence is only ever as good as the person defending them, on 6 occasions I was told to "Plead guilty" as I had no chance, all 6 times I dismissed my solicitor and represented myself... I walked free from court on every occasion.

Android / Re: Samsung Galaxy S3 [Monitor Mode]
« on: October 14, 2013, 05:12:11 am »
Gonna throw a penny in the wind here and ask... anyone know if there was any progress made here?

Scripting Languages / Re: [Source]
« on: October 13, 2013, 04:21:27 pm »
Nice work ^^

Found it on the Webs / Re: happy birthday song is copyrighted
« on: October 13, 2013, 06:10:06 am »
In the UK its illegal to eat MincePies on Christmas day, and a Englishman can be fined one silver coin of the realm for not practicing Archery once a week.

Someone recently attempted to Copyright the word "Amen"... thankfully it was rejected... though im sure if it had been a American not a European court, it probably would've been passed... but then being a Pirate, I dont recognize copyright anyway, and even if I wasnt a Pirate, im Cypruit, and we 100% dont recognize copyright!

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