My unbearable lack of motivation to do anything. It seems to align perfectly with starting school. Up until school started I was quite excited to do all sorts of productive things. Things like: coding, breaking my Windows machine, breaking the webserver on my debian VM, breaking my neighbors wifi in hopes that they decide to stop using WEP, breaking into the practice lock that I haven't already picked yet, breaking into my own house.... you get the idea. Now all I want to do is come home and play Borderlands. Don't know what it is about school that does it to me. Must be all the structure, and the idea that I have 5 months of videos about Windows 7 + Windows 8 to watch. Plus the fact that it's all just some really poorly dressed douchebag--who's probably never been with a women despite being 43--telling me in the same monotonous voice every last single fucking feature of Win7 + 8, and I'm just supposed to be able to absorb all this information that he's vomiting at me.
I hate just watching some fucker talk. It's no way to learn. At least there's the Unix System Administration class which should be interesting. Also the Security + Prep class. Although that teacher sucks at his job and will probably not teach or show us a thing in class, and instead just refer us to more videos of other poorly dressed gray skinned fucks talking in a way that somehow makes computer security utterly boring.