Darkvision, not only do you have a terrible understanding of Anarchy, but you also have a terrible understanding of Democracy.
Man Resistor your so right! Tell yah what, why dont you MOVE to a country thats in open anarchy right now! That will teach all them evil governments! Good luck getting online to post this idiocy when you have no power, or internet, or running water, or a decent line on decent food, etc. Ever actually LOOK at a country thats in open anarchy? murder/rape/disease/ starvation/ (insert other problems youve never had to contend with) in rampant form.
What makes you think humans cannot find ways to provide food, shelter, and all the other necessities and amenities of life without the force of government? Do you think people just don't do anything at all without a judge ordering them to or a cop threatening to lock them in a cage if they don't?
Murder, rape, disease, and starvation, are all bad indeed. There are lots of bad things in life, and humans can do lots of bad things, like use violence against others, such as in the case of murder, or rape. Killing and raping people is very terrible, and governments start wars and kill people all the time. Both world wars, the Korean war, the Viet nham war, the Soviet/Afghan war, the Iraq wars, all the wars that have ever happened in history ... who started them? Governments, or Anarchists? If you think Anarchy would be terrible because there would be lots of violence and tragedies, and that we need governments to prevent the violence and tragedies, you are completely blind to how the world is today, and why.
The difference between a democracy and what you propose is that when you disagree with something you can say so...without getting shot.
If you're going to support something you really should understand it. You're supporting Democracy, and isn't that that one thing where humans get into a group and the majority imposes their will on the minority, without the consent of the minority? Hey, yeah! That is what that is! In a Democracy, if the minority disagrees with and does not consent to the majority, it doesn't matter at all, the majority will just violate the minority's rights and impose their will on them, consent or human decency be damned. They're for the birds I guess.
What if a government I do not consent to being ruled by has a law which states that it is illegal for me to smoke marijuana, and what if I reject this rule and any authority they claim over me, and I smoke marijuana and a cop sees me? He'll probably try to arrest me. What if I ignore him and walk away? He will forcefully stop me. What if I try to physically defend myself, as I am being assaulted? He uses even more force against me. This is violence, Darkvision. This is what you support. Individuals forcefully imposing their will on others without their consent, or any concern at all over their rights as a human.
Anarchy is the absence of hierarchy. In mathematical terms, hierarchy is 1 being less than 2, and 4 being greater than 3,2, and 1, and it's good and necessary for math to be able to exist, and a lot of things would be completely impossible, and never would have happened if it weren't for math. In humans, hierarchy is police officer being greater than citizen, land owner being greater than slave, stock boy being less than manager, abusive husband being greater than victimized wife, and abusive parent being greater than helpless child, and hierarchy in humans is usually bad, and usually very bad.
The only way in which hierarchy is acceptable is when it is voluntary, as in the case of a person voluntarily choosing to get a job as a stock boy. As the stock boy, they are there voluntarily, and they cede authority to the manager voluntarily. Any time that stock boy no longer wants to be in that position, they can leave. In this situation, no rights are violated. Not the stock boy's, not the managers.
The case of an husband who is abusive to his wife can be complicated. In theory, she is there voluntarily as she chose to have a relationship with him, chose to get married, and is free to leave the marriage at any time, but very significant psychological and financial factors can make it very difficult for the woman to leave. She may feel that the marriage fundamentally is very good and that perhaps she is truly at fault for the violence the man inflicts on her, or she may have no job and be completely financially dependent on her husband.
How about the police man pot smoker hierarchy? I'm a pot smoker, and there are police men out there who would lock me in a cage for it. I reject their rules, any authority they claim over me, I reject any sanction or complacency other people in my hierarchical position may give towards the police, as sanction for someone else to rule me and my life is no one's to give but mine. I want nothing to do with government, but if a cop sees me smoking a joint, they will lock me in a cage. This is morally wrong, and violation of my rights. Using violence against other people is wrong.
What about the parent child hierarchy? This is where all of the bad things humans do as adults comes from. Parents, through their actions, teach their kids that hierarchy among humans is natural, and that it's ok for the superior to use violence to get what is wanted out of the inferior. Parents may try to tell the child that hitting is wrong, but the vast majority of parents would later use violence against that child if they were not complying with instructions. Parental abuse sets the seeds for not just violent behavior from the child when they grow up, but also sanction and complacency of government hierarchy and violence. Parental child abuse is such a disgusting and pathetic thing. The child is there through no choice of their own, is physically abused by a human much larger and stronger than them, has no way to leave, no one to turn to from the comfort, it's really a terrible thing. Anyone who abuses their children is a fucking piece of shit.
What makes hierarchy (in human terms) so terrible, and what makes things like rape and murder so disgusting, fundamentally is the lack of voluntarism. If an individual does not voluntarily consent to something, to ANYTHING, of their own free will, it is a violation of their rights. I do not consent to be being government or ruled by anyone, so anyone governing or ruling over me is violating my rights. The difference between Democracy and Anarchism is Democracy fundamentally violates people's rights, Anarchism does not.
What i love the most though about your idiotic post, is your supposedly proposing "anarchy" as a good solution for everyone ie the benefit of mankind. Yet she IS doing something that benefits others...and you deplore her as a delusional moron. Oh i get it she isnt doing things the way YOU would so therefore is just a complete tool.
She's propping up the greatest institution of violence that has ever existed, of course she's doing it wrong. People like Edward Snowden are people who are doing good things in the world. Also, things like the silk road and bitcoin are good for the world. Why are people like Edward Snowden and things like bitcoin good for the world? Because every fucking problem the world faces, with rare exceptions, are problems caused by fucking governments. Do you think sociopaths having the ability to shoot nuclear bombs halfway across the earth and destroy the whole thing is a good thing? Do you think it's a good thing when police run around like a gang of criminals doing terrible shit like beating people and killing them and almost always facing pretty much zero repercussions? Do you really think that people using violence to get what they want out of others is a good thing and will lead to a peaceful and prosperous world? If you do you're fucking delusional.