Note: I sympathize with you OP, and I hope you and your family/community are doing well in this time of mourning. Please forgive anybody here who may post something off-putting and offensive.
So we are posting on a board that embraces the "hacker philosophy", freedom of information, and personal liberty, yet some of you guys want to ban religion? So tomorrow religion is made illegal... now what? You can't stop it. It'd be about as effective as saying "going over the speed limit is banned". You can't control what people do when they are alone, and (I know this wasn't in the US, but...) every time something bad happens in the US, like sandy hook, the boston bombing, or 911, there is a firm knee-jerk reaction to pass laws to "ban" whatever was done. Often actually making it through due to media hype and controversial TV-titled bullshit advertising and a lack of the checks and balances being used to their full potential.
Think 911, what happened when the american people wanted terrorism banned? The war on terror. And how the fuck has that worked for us? Terribly.
You can't ban religion because of its negative impact, you can't ban religion because of its ambiguity, and you can't ban religion because it infringes on the most basic of human rights. It allows legality and bureaucracy to invade the minds of its citizens, the sunday mornings and times of meditation of its citizens, as well as the personal liberties of its citizens even more than already legally allowed. (cough gay marriage, prohibition of drugs, excessive taxation... cough)