i really don't know what you call it a obvious fallacy here, but you just don't name something that doesn't exist.
... It causes me actual physical pain to agree with Geoff. But what the fuck are you on about?
I'm neither for or against theism, but I am against stupidity and that sire is a dumbass argument..
Fictional books all over the world are based around naming shit that doesnt exist. Whether or not the Bible, or Quran, or whatever, is just another fictional book is yet to be seen (imo).
@Geoff, I guess we disagree on a fundamental point. I believe that even without theists, atheists would exist since the world would be filled with them! It's not -just- some big argument with people taking sides. It's a statement about a person's beliefs. They might not REALIZE in your fictional example, that they are atheists; but they would be. SO my main argument I suppose is that people, no matter how ludacris or sane their beliefs may be should have the burden of proof upon them (for their respective beliefs and noone elses). THat goes for the belief in a/some god(s) or for the belief of... just the observable universe being all there is?
Trust me I'm not here saying God is Real and such, I'm not even sure if I hope he is! (way) More than likely it's just a story made up so little kids, and i guess adults, who were dieing would be less afraid of the dark. I'm just saying that people should be reasonably expected to provide proof for their beliefs, and if they can't then we should just call it faith and leave it at that. Atheism is a belief just as surely as Christianity/etc is, they answer all the same questions and neither can be conclusively proven.
Course, that's just my belief.
P.S/EDIT: Unless something really cool happens I'm bowing out of this, we all have our beliefs and quite frankly no matter what happens after we die, I'm not spending more time than I have to arguing about it on the internet