Author Topic: 130 children killed in my city today. Should religion be banned?  (Read 5109 times)

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Re: 130 children killed in my city today. Should religion be banned?
« Reply #60 on: December 26, 2014, 05:50:10 am »
Yeah i've heard all that crap before, it's an extremely common convenient argument for Atheists, but it doesn't mean shit to me and if you think about it it means nothing.
The fact remains you believe something just as imaginary as a flying teapot in the sky or a unicorn.
You think you know something you have no way of knowing, so do religious people.

That is all.

Dude, seriously. I think you missed the point.
But never mind, looks like Geoff said what had to be said.  :P
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Re: 130 children killed in my city today. Should religion be banned?
« Reply #61 on: December 26, 2014, 06:47:31 am »
You guys are missing d4rkcats point.

Geoff: in your example some guy says he can fly but refuses to prove it. In that example its pretty easy to look at the humans are aw assumed to be anatomically similar and tell them to flap their arms. Or quite frankly compel him with force to demonstrate.

A spiritual plane/god/flying spaghetti monster isnt as simple to prove/disprove. Since in most cases it requires dieing to conclusively answer.

Look im not saying god exists but basically, a theist'a beliefs are pretty simple to qualify; an atheist's is just the polar opposite. Its in the god damned word. So if you want a theist to prove god exists then you need to be able to prove that he/she/it doesn't. Otherwise agnosticism is really the only logical belief.

You think a god exists? Coo. I haven't seen any evidence for that.
You think tere is no god? Coo. No evidence for that either.

I will even say that unicorn believers, if they exist, are just the same as theists in that and id say id be agnostic on that too (no reason horses cant over time develop horns. Just no reason for that to happen and i haven't seen evidence either  way)

The world wouod he a lot better if more people just adopted a live and let live attitude .

Sent from my iphone suck a dick if there's grammatical or spelling errors.

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Re: 130 children killed in my city today. Should religion be banned?
« Reply #62 on: December 26, 2014, 07:19:15 am »
Evidence of absence is evidence of any kind that suggests something is missing or that it does not exist. A simple example of evidence of absence: A baker never fails to put finished pies on her windowsill, so if there is no pie on the windowsill, then no finished pies exist. This can be formulated as modus tollens in propositional logic: P implies Q, but Q is false, therefore P is false.

Per the traditional aphorism, "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence", positive evidence of this kind is distinct from a lack of evidence or ignorance[1] of that which should have been found already, had it existed. In this regard Irving Copi writes:

In some circumstances it can be safely assumed that if a certain event had occurred, evidence of it could be discovered by qualified investigators. In such circumstances it is perfectly reasonable to take the absence of proof of its occurrence as positive proof of its non-occurrence.

This whole damn page is really interesting.

Please guys, take time to read it.
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Re: 130 children killed in my city today. Should religion be banned?
« Reply #63 on: December 26, 2014, 09:20:15 am »
Ah! Couldn't have said this better.  ;D
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Offline elgo441

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Re: 130 children killed in my city today. Should religion be banned?
« Reply #64 on: December 26, 2014, 01:04:56 pm »
This Example i heard before from Al_Shaarawy's.

The "TV" Before it was Invented, was there any thing called a "TV" ? No.

But After it was Invented it was Given the name and every one now knows the word "TV" and what it means.

So The Meaning Exist first then a word comes describing it after.

And The Fact that the word "Allah" already exist in your language and mine and in every other language. that mean the meaning (The creator of This world) already Exist and the word came after to describe it.

I hope that is close enough.

But After all
"Belief" : an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 01:07:00 pm by elgo441 »

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Re: 130 children killed in my city today. Should religion be banned?
« Reply #65 on: December 26, 2014, 02:56:41 pm »
Congrats! you actually just superseded d4rkcat for the dumbest argument for God ever. I really don't know how to respond to that idiocy you just spewed.

Wow, someone a butthurt little bitch. Did mommy give you coal in your stocking yesterday?
Try getting a girlfriend/boyfriend, it should ease some of that pent up anger you have.
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Re: 130 children killed in my city today. Should religion be banned?
« Reply #66 on: December 26, 2014, 03:03:01 pm »
This Example i heard before from Al_Shaarawy's.

I hope that is close enough.

But After all

What the fuck did I just read?
This is THE DUMBEST argument ever. I'm not even going to try to explain the obvious fallacy here!  ::)

I think i'll even save a print screen for future reference.
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Re: 130 children killed in my city today. Should religion be banned?
« Reply #67 on: December 26, 2014, 03:24:37 pm »
i really don't know what you call it a obvious fallacy here, but you just don't name something that doesn't exist.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 03:24:54 pm by elgo441 »

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Re: 130 children killed in my city today. Should religion be banned?
« Reply #68 on: December 26, 2014, 05:07:58 pm »
i really don't know what you call it a obvious fallacy here, but you just don't name something that doesn't exist.

... It causes me actual physical pain to agree with Geoff. But what the fuck are you on about?

I'm neither for or against theism, but I am against stupidity and that sire is a dumbass argument..

Fictional books all over the world are based around naming shit that doesnt exist. Whether or not the Bible, or Quran, or whatever, is just another fictional book is yet to be seen (imo).

@Geoff, I guess we disagree on a fundamental point. I believe that even without theists, atheists would exist since the world would be filled with them! It's not -just- some big argument with people taking sides. It's a statement about a person's beliefs. They might not REALIZE in your fictional example, that they are atheists; but they would be. SO my main argument I suppose is that people, no matter how ludacris or sane their beliefs may be should have the burden of proof upon them (for their respective beliefs and noone elses). THat goes for the belief in a/some god(s) or for the belief of... just the observable universe being all there is?

Trust me I'm not here saying God is Real and such, I'm not even sure if I hope he is! (way) More than likely it's just a story made up so little kids, and i guess adults, who were dieing would be less afraid of the dark. I'm just saying that people should be reasonably expected to provide proof for their beliefs, and if they can't then we should just call it faith and leave it at that. Atheism is a belief just as surely as Christianity/etc is, they answer all the same questions and neither can be conclusively proven.

Course, that's just my belief.

P.S/EDIT: Unless something really cool happens I'm bowing out of this, we all have our beliefs and quite frankly no matter what happens after we die, I'm not spending more time than I have to arguing about it on the internet ;)
« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 05:10:28 pm by HTH »
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Re: 130 children killed in my city today. Should religion be banned?
« Reply #69 on: December 27, 2014, 01:40:23 pm »
Nice Fedora d4rkcat :P

Anyway the reason I see myself as an atheist is;
I was pretty much raised in a catholic school and nothing they said made sense.
First there's tales of Jeebus healing lepers and what not, thats how they reel you in.
Then as you get older and get more common sense they tell us, "Actually that shit about Jeebus healing ppl, was not true. Those are simply metaphors. But God is Real!". Besides that my version of the bible starts like this "Bla bla bla word of God, this bible blabla bla story told on for several DECADES before being written down bla bla bla". I don't know about you guys but when things get told on by word of mouth it pretty much turns into fable.

Then I compare Genesis to the tale of Eden. IT DOESN'T MATCH.
Frankly it proves to me that at some point a male supremacist came by and decided males were better & he needed a new creation story.

To me the obvious proof that what they claim is utter Bull Crap, is enough proof for me to believe they are spouting lies out of their ******. Add to that, the fact that their God is a massive asshole who frankly fails as a human being allows me to completely denounce it as a silly fable.

Obviously I hate Christianity. So I take the stance, there is no God, there is only the imagination of mankind.
I might be partially agnostic, but I feel more like an Atheist.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2014, 01:43:39 pm by Kage »

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Re: 130 children killed in my city today. Should religion be banned?
« Reply #70 on: December 27, 2014, 01:56:00 pm »
Nice Fedora d4rkcat :P

Anyway the reason I see myself as an atheist is;
I was pretty much raised in a catholic school and nothing they said made sense.
First there's tales of Jeebus healing lepers and what not, thats how they reel you in.
Then as you get older and get more common sense they tell us, "Actually that shit about Jeebus healing ppl, was not true. Those are simply metaphors. But God is Real!". Besides that my version of the bible starts like this "Bla bla bla word of God, this bible blabla bla story told on for several DECADES before being written down bla bla bla". I don't know about you guys but when things get told on by word of mouth it pretty much turns into fable.

Then I compare Genesis to the tale of Eden. IT DOESN'T MATCH.
Frankly it proves to me that at some point a male supremacist came by and decided males were better & he needed a new creation story.

To me the obvious proof that what they claim is utter Bull Crap, is enough proof for me to believe they are spouting lies out of their ******. Add to that, the fact that their God is a massive asshole who frankly fails as a human being allows me to completely denounce it as a silly fable.

Obviously I hate Christianity. So I take the stance, there is no God, there is only the imagination of mankind.
I might be partially agnostic, but I feel more like an Atheist.

Just because religions, created by human, are all full of crap does NOT mean there's no God, right?  :P
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Re: 130 children killed in my city today. Should religion be banned?
« Reply #71 on: December 29, 2014, 05:59:24 am »
Just because religions, created by human, are all full of crap does NOT mean there's no God, right?  :P
This. If I was god I would probably stay away from humans- we're dumbasses who like to kill each other any chance we get. Unless god is a sadistic bastard I doubt he cares about humans.
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Re: 130 children killed in my city today. Should religion be banned?
« Reply #72 on: December 29, 2014, 08:02:35 am »
This. If I was god I would probably stay away from humans- we're dumbasses who like to kill each other any chance we get. Unless god is a sadistic bastard I doubt he cares about humans.

Totally!  ;)
From what we can infer from happenings around the globe, God is a capricious, cruel, deceitful, genocidal, homophobic, insecure, jealous, malevolent, racist, sadist, vindictive, violent bully.
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Re: 130 children killed in my city today. Should religion be banned?
« Reply #73 on: January 11, 2015, 02:55:49 pm »
Sick fucks will find another justification to commit genocide.

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Re: 130 children killed in my city today. Should religion be banned?
« Reply #74 on: January 11, 2015, 07:55:33 pm »
Banning religion does nothing but galvanize the most crazy elements, it's a far better strategy to follow the example of the Soviet Union and China-- infiltrate the religious organizations, advance leaders who will not challenge the State and who agree to identify, and report to the secret police, those members in their congregations who are radical and make them disappear.

This is obviously a troll thread. If not, then you're inconceivably autistic if you think you can even begin to do this.