To start with not really sure I put it in right place. But what ever.
I am throwing around ideas for a project involving an Arduino Leonardo, servo motor and a few other pieces.
What I am planning to do is to wire up the Leonardo to a servo motor hocked up to a cheaply made, haven't sketched anything out, "arm/hand" That will shake your hand when you grip it. And when you do this is logs into the computer its hocked to. I want to do this because of just a visualization type thing because I feel it would be cool to actually do a handshake with a computer to actually log on.
Reason I am posting this is because I was curious on some ideas that I could maybe expand it. Possibly a better way to make a "pressure plate" of some sorts for the palm, so the arduino knows you have gripped the hand. I planned on prob just putting a button in the palm and just make sure theres a loose piece of plastic that presses the button when you grip it.