Author Topic: Arduino Project  (Read 1151 times)

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Offline Killeramor

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Arduino Project
« on: November 03, 2015, 12:55:17 am »
To start with not really sure I put it in right place. But what ever.

I am throwing around ideas for a project involving an Arduino Leonardo, servo motor and a few other pieces.
What I am planning to do is to wire up the Leonardo to a servo motor hocked up to a cheaply made, haven't sketched anything out, "arm/hand" That will shake your hand when you grip it. And when you do this is logs into the computer its hocked to. I want to do this because of just a visualization type thing because I feel it would be cool to actually do a handshake with a computer to actually log on.

Reason I am posting this is because I was curious on some ideas that I could maybe expand it. Possibly a better way to make a "pressure plate" of some sorts for the palm, so the arduino knows you have gripped the hand. I planned on prob just putting a button in the palm and just make sure theres a loose piece of plastic that presses the button when you grip it.
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Re: Arduino Project
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2015, 12:55:21 am »
You could put a touch sensor on the palm, I've seen people make it using a 555 timer and a few passive components. CMOS versions like TS555CN or LM7555 work on quite low voltages.

Maybe you could even include something like this, and make your robot give the finger if someone gives it a limp fish, and say "you shake hands like a pussy" in Steven Hawking's voice. Those people need reminders.

Post pics when you make something :D

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Re: Arduino Project
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2015, 05:19:00 am »
>>>import this

Offline Killeramor

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Re: Arduino Project
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2015, 07:20:22 am »
You could put a touch sensor on the palm, I've seen people make it using a 555 timer and a few passive components. CMOS versions like TS555CN or LM7555 work on quite low voltages.

Maybe you could even include something like this, and make your robot give the finger if someone gives it a limp fish, and say "you shake hands like a pussy" in Steven Hawking's voice. Those people need reminders.

Post pics when you make something :D

Actually thought about having it wave at you then like flip you off. i dunno.

Here are some ideas.

Those are good but I want this to be cheap as it can be. Any ideas of what I should make the hand out of? Like I have no budget for this.
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Re: Arduino Project
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2015, 07:42:27 am »
Those are good but I want this to be cheap as it can be. Any ideas of what I should make the hand out of? Like I have no budget for this.

Cardboard? Use whatever you have on hand.
>>>import this

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Re: Arduino Project
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2016, 07:33:05 pm »
I'm very close to a big state university. And for pretty cheap you can use the 50+ 3D printers they have there. Its a lot cheaper than online services that will do the same thing for you. And most stuff you can get printed same day. You also can probably find a .stl that will work for you project.

You could try a site like this:
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Re: Arduino Project
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2016, 08:50:11 pm »
I think you should ditch the robotics and use kali linux's setoolkit to make an autorun arduino with metasploit. Even if the computer has autorun disabled it will still run by tricking the computer into thinking the arduino is keyboard/mouse.

I think you should look into it.

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