Awesome sucks because Lua. Awesome is awesome because everything else. Yeah I don't really have a problem with theme.lua. But once we start talking about awful and vicious and wibox and blah blah my head starts to spin just a little bit.
I know exactly what you mean, after playing with that stuff a little I realize I dont actually use much of it after all.
Its good to see its a little more 21st cent than DWM and thats why I switched, but my god LUA.
Can we stop bitching about LUA now, I hate lua so much.. and this syntax is like my mexican immigrant uncle from uzbekistan...
But awesome is quite awesome and blazingly fast.
If you fancy some transparancy and that kinda stuff I suggest you take a look at 'compton'
Works rather well with awesome.
I also thought about switching to i3, I know some that are very happy about it.