So I guess now my question is, which is easier to set up? PHP or C++? I need to go download one of those.
Also, here:
When you say /users/, you mean to say, right?
And when you have the two mycharset, do you mean to put 11 of those in order?
And what are the \r and \n?
Sorry didn't see it yesterday.
If you don't have any experience it shouldn't be that easy, but nonetheless...
first of you would do something like a simple connect() which would contain information of the server, in this case
Once you're inside you have to make requests for specific folders and files inside, so you'll ask for /users/yourbruteforcehere.
Think as server side if you need to, on the server side you have a folder called users and each user will have his randomname.html page, so the client has to ask for the whole path.
About mycharset, it my help if you have some quick reading on C++, but I'll give you some basics.
What you're doing is incrementing a character one by one like:
and so on...
As a result you'll need a for that will make a loop through your charset, which will contain the characters you wish to bruteforce. (Might be only numbers, only lowercase, everything, special characters,etc...)
Then you need to do a for for each string position, like for 2 characters you need 2 for's, for 11 characters string, you'll need 11 for's, so it will loop every string character.
.... You get the drill.
\r\n means terminate string, like in a std::string would be a \0.
You might have to do some reading before you do that.
Anything else, just ask.
PS: In C++ you do not need a server running, since you'll only be using one socket, you can send and wait for an answer in the same socket, without the need to create another application for the server.
I'm not sure you do in PHP, but PHP isn't exactly my thing, although being very similar to PHP.